DYER BROOK, Maine – The afterschool program at Southern Aroostook School is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat event on Friday, Oct. 28, from 5-7 p.m. This will be held, rain/snow, or shine. It will take place behind the school near the playground.
Children from the communities of Dyer Brook, Oakfield, Island Falls, Smyrna, Crystal, and Merrill are invited to Trick or Treat from vehicle to vehicle in a spooky, but safe environment.
Last year’s Trunk or Treat event featured almost 20 vehicle trunks and had about 150 children trick or treating. Also participating was the Oakfield Fire Department. This year officials expect the Aroostook County Sheriff’s Department presence as well.
New this year will be a “trunk” judging contest for the best Trunk or Treat presentation. The first place “trunk” determined by the judges will receive a $30 gift card and second place a $20 gift card.
Anyone interested in entering a “trunk” and passing out commercially prepackaged snacks and candy should register by emailing Shannon Mathers at smathers@rsu50.org. First come, first served. All registrants may not be accommodated. No registrations will be accepted after Oct. 21.