75 Years Ago – Oct. 2, 1947
Aroostook State Normal school faculty — Miss Luella Dunning assumed her duties as dean of women at Aroostook State Normal School, completing the faculty list at the school.
Miss Dunning, a native of Illinois, who attended normal school and college in that state and later received a master’s degree from Boston University, taught in Rhode Island and Massachusetts and for one year was a teacher in Turkey before accepting a position as principal of a girls’ school in Syria. Other members of the A.S.N.S. faculty were Thomas J. Corrigan, Miss Phyllis Flavin, Archibald Spaulding, Miss Patricia Follett, Principal Clifford O. T. Wieden, Miss Caroline Gentile and Miss Nellie Dunning.
Connie Higgins named leader of majorettes — At the reorganization meeting of the Majorette Corps, held at the high school Sept. 30, Connie Higgins was elected corps leader to replace Rachel McGlauflin, who was graduating high school. Polly Kimball was elected leader of Section I. Maxine Waddell and Barbara Tardy remained leaders of Section II and the Drum Section, respectively. Two new members, Mabel Buzzell and Janet Steeves, joined the corps as twirlers.
50 Years Ago – Oct. 4, 1972
Northern National made a donation — In answer to an appeal for funds to rebuild the New Sweden Historical Museum, the Northern National Bank made its contribution to the building fund. Funds were being raised to build a new museum building to house the New Sweden historical collection. The original building housing the colony was destroyed by fire on June 30, 1971. Irwin F. Porter, vice president of the Northern National Bank, presented a donation check to Louis P. Larsson, chairman of the Building Fund Finance committee of New Sweden.
Soccer co-captain chosen — Selected to serve as co-captains for the University of Maine at Presque Isle soccer team were David Pelton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pelton of Winthrop, and Leon “Cyd” Dyjak of Indian Orchard, Massachusetts. Both were majors in health, physical education and recreation at the local university. Pelton, the previous year, was named the team’s most valuable player and had earned a letter in both soccer and basketball. Dyjak, as a high school student, played for Cathedral High in Springfield, Massachusetts, and was considered one of the top full-backs in the Northeast College conference. Athletic director Frank McGrath was their soccer coach.
25 Years Ago – Oct. 1, 1997
Owl hall inductees — The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Athletic Hall of Fame welcomed four new members at its induction ceremony, which was held in conjunction with Homecoming Weekend at the university. Inductees were Brian Cates, Beth Corrow, Sherry Deschaine and Robert White.
New officers — The XiNu Sorority elected new officers for the 1997-98 season. They included Joanne Driscoll, president; Wanda Glovins, vice president; Karlyn Williams, recording secretary; Peggy Kelley, treasurer ; Laura Turner, corresponding secretary; and Sally Derosier, sponsor.
Pool pledges — The Mapleton pool area underwent major renovations to the tune of $110,000. The towns of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman raised $93,000 for the project and were seeking additional support for the remaining balance. A 45-by-75-foot pool was being installed for use by the community. The Presque Isle Rotary Club offered a $500 donation in proceeds from their 50th annual Rotary Club Auction.
State champion — Natasha Deschene of Presque Isle was the winner of the Maine Recreation and Parks Association Hotshot Championship held in Waterville. Deschene came out on top in the girls’ 9-10 age division. The state runner-up was Ashley Nemer of Ashland.