Inspirations of the nativity

2 months ago

To the editor:

When I contemplate that the divine Christ Child came to earth to become one of us, it tells me God wants to share in our humanity without wanting any worldly praise. He was born in the most humble setting, coming to earth amongst barn animals and only having a feeding trough as his cradle. All of the virtues were displayed in the life of the Christ Child with kindness and compassion and total giving of Himself to offer forgiveness and mercy to all of humanity. 

When I consider Mary, the Mother of God, I have to ask myself how humble would a woman have to be to be chosen as the mother of our Savior? How trusting and totally dependent on God would she have to be to say to the angel Gabriel, “I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say.”

Joseph, the spouse of Mary and the chosen foster father of Jesus, pleased God with his heart as a father and his obedient faith that does the will of the Father without questioning.

The nativity is God’s expression of love for mankind and the Christmas celebration is a response to that love. The nativity speaks to me in silence and it is in silence that I hear the small, still voice in my heart that wants to guide, console and strengthen during the hard times. 

I could never imagine a Christmas without the Christ Child and the inspirations that come with the Holy Family. Peace, joy and inspiration to all this Christmas.

Peter Pinette