How fast time goes by. Here are the last days of January when winter is going. Riding is getting better every day. Is it the best? No, but it is better than sitting on the couch. The best ride at the moment is from Eagle Lake North to Fort Kent and up in the Allagash, this area is seen a few more inches than the rest of the County and by the reports that I am seeing it is excellent. Are there still some thin areas yes but all in all that is where you will get the best riding in. As for the remainder of the County there is some riding to be had. The other jackpot is in the Oxbow area. They have some good conditions down that way as well.
While it is the end of January there are areas that are considered as very early conditions, there are some sections of trails where there are no signs or markers, just because you know where the trail is doesn’t mean that it is rideable especially if there are no signs.
With this cold weather the lakes have frozen down quite well, and they are good for riding.
This is the annual moosestompers weekend down in Houlton with a lot of fun activities, Check it out on moosestompers weekend 2025 website.
Trail info:
Presque Isle Snowmobile Club: They have been out on their railbeds and are reporting good conditions, other than these trails they have not been across any others, so please ride with caution.
Linneus Sno Sports: Little trail update…. As you all know we are off to a slow start this year, the snow is very very thin. Tomorrow we are going to go out and check the conditions headed south. Anything north of the clubhouse is not passable at this time due to lack of snow. DO YOUR SNOW DANCE.
We will post another update tomorrow afternoon!
East Grand:
Portage Lakers: They have made it down to 105 using the alternate section of ITS 90 and they have also been on the turnaround with Eagle Lake on ITS 85. They are reporting some bare spots with rocks so please use caution.
Eagle Lake Winter Riders: They have been out on ITS 85 and 120 just have been panning and reporting decent conditions.
Limestone SnowHawks: Limestone was out last night and are reporting good conditions out on their system. The only trail that is considered closed is the base runway trail. The border trail is in decent condition. Caswell has been out, and Van Buren has been out to plan their section of ITS 81 two weeks ago and this section was thin.
Caribou Trails: ITS 83 North to Sullivan Road has been gone over a few times and reports are that it is in decent shape, Trail 105 to Blackstone has been done as well. The Cross-town trail, which is 83/90, is passable with several rocks. ITS 83 South towards Washburn is rideable but thin in areas. Trail 88 to New Sweden is open to Northstar variety and at the moment dead ends there. Trail 88A has been panned once and very thin in open fields and woods. Trail 89 towards Connor has also been planned but dead ends where it meets Pleasant Ridge Riders. The fields are very thin. All trails in Caribou are signed and marked but they remain ungroomed as there is little snow on these sections, are they passable yes but not recommended. Trail 89 towards Limestone has also been opened and is very thin for about a quarter mile off the Railbed after this section is gets a little better. Railbed North to Blackstone will be groomed Thursday night.
Sly Brook Nonriders: We have been busy the last few days trying to get our trails ready for you.
Right now, from the clubhouse to 96 to red arrow turnaround we have two culverts that popped up at 1/1/2 mile and a water issue at 4/1/2 mile we have some caution signs up and putting more tomorrow otherwise that is good riding.
73 to Eagle Lake is groomed and in great shape.
Clubhouse to 96 north of Eagle Lake is not recommended unless we get more snow.
73 north to Fort Kent turnaround is also not recommended because of bare fields and water issues but it is passable for experienced riders.
Clubhouse to 73A to fort Kent wallagrass stream is rideable but will not be groomed until more snow. Thanks for supporting our club in these trying times.
Safe travels to all.
Fort Kent Snoriders: Our trails have anywhere from 3-7” of fresh snow. A light snow is coming down currently and more is ahead of the forecast. Stay tuned for grooming operation updates as they happen!
ITS 92 (Fort Kent to Mile 7) (Railbed): GREAT
ITS 85 South (Fort Kent to Carter Brook): GREAT – FRESH GROOM
Watch for logging operations near Carter Brook—proceed with caution.
ITS 85 North (Fort Kent to Frenchville): GOOD – FRESH GROOM
73A to Wallagrass Stream: GOOD
73 to Soldier Pond: GOOD (Open to Fort Kent Powersports only)
73B to Daigle Trail to Cross Lake: GOOD – FRESH GROOM (Open to Frenchville Turnaround)
Continuous gratitude to all our dedicated volunteers, valued members, generous business sponsors, landowners and neighboring clubs who make this possible!
Club President Position Available!
We are excited to announce the opportunity for the position of Club President! This is a leadership role that offers a chance to shape the future of the Fort Kent SnoRiders Snowmobile Club and drive initiatives that will impact members and our communities positively. If you are interested in being considered for this position, contact us today! Nominations are accepted until February 21.
Madawaska Snowmobile Club: They are reporting that their system is still not ready, but they will be out putting signs up this weekend, if you want to help, they will be at the clubhouse at 9am Saturday morning.
Eagle Lake Winter Riders: Reporting that ITS 85 and 120 were groomed Wednesday night and reporting good conditions.
Portage Lakers: Still waiting for more snow, they were out last week and waiting for the big storm.
St. Francis Sno Angels: Reporting good conditions and they will be back out Friday night. Carter brook trail is open in all entireties, there is logging please use caution.
Moose town Riders Allagash: Reporting very good conditions. They are currently signing the new reroute on 120. Use caution as there is a section that they are on plowed road. Escort trail will be groomed Friday night.
Oxbow-Masardis Snowmobile Club: They are reporting trails to be in great shape and have been out this week. ITS 85 there is a logging operation, there is a reroute to get around it is still thin until more snow. Please do not ride through the logging operation.
Linneus Sno Sports: reporting that they have been out and reporting some good and some real bad.
Moosestompers Weekend in Houlton. For more information, please visit Moosestompers Weekend 2025.
Meduxnekeag Ramblers Snowsled Club: they will be hosting Moosestompers Breakfast this Saturday from 6am-10am
Easton Trailbreakers will be hosting a club ride. They will be leaving Easton at 7am and trailering to Washburn and will leave Washburn at 8am and will be going to Two Rivers Lunch in Allagash.
St. Francis Sno Angels clubhouse is serving tacos starting at 11am until sold out.
Washburn Trail Runners clubhouse will be open Friday 8am to 2pm, Saturday 7am to 2pm and Sunday 7am to 12.