Houlton Recreation Department still has openings for August camps

7 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Parks and Recreation Department still has openings for several August camps.

Musical Theater Camp will be held Aug. 13-16 from 9-noon at the Rec Center. Each morning children will working on the musical “Once Upon a Lilly Pad” which will be performed on the final day of camp for family and friends. If your child loves to sing and act, this is the camp for them. Youth entering grades 2-6 are invited to participate in this camp. Cost of the camp is $50 Houlton resident/$65 non-Houlton resident.

Group Ukulele Camp will be held Aug. 13-16 from 1-2 p.m. at the Rec Center. Youth going into grades 2-6 can register for this camp. Youth must have their own Ukulele. Come learn the basics of playing a Ukulele in a fun and casual group setting. Cost is $25 Houlton resident/ $38 non-Houlton resident.

Group Guitar Camp will be held Aug. 13-16 from 2-3 p.m. at the Rec Center. Youth going into grades 2-6 can register for this camp. Youth must have their own guitar. Students will learn to play simple songs on the guitar using melody and chords. They will also compose a song of their own. Cost is $25 Houlton resident/$38 non-Houlton resident.

To register for camps, stop by the Houlton Rec Center between 8-1pm on Monday through Thursday. For more information, call the dept. at 532-1310.

Maine Red Claws Basketball Clinic

Dunkin Donuts in coordination with the Houlton Parks and Recreation Department will be bringing the Maine Red Claws to Houlton for a Youth Basketball Clinic. This year the clinic will be held at the Houlton High School on Tuesday, July 31 from 10-2 p.m. This free clinic is open to youth between 7-14 years of age. To register, call the Houlton Recreation Department at 532-131 by Friday, July 27. Youth must bring a lunch and drink, wear sneakers and comfortable clothes. For more information, contact the dept. at 532-1310.