Editor’s note: The events calendar has returned. All events listed before the pandemic have been purged, so please email us at story@thecounty.me with your nonprofit event information.
Wednesday, Oct. 28
HOULTON: SMART Recovery, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 7 p.m. FMI: 207-254-2213.
ONLINE: Senior Medicare Patrol Fraud and Abuse, online class by Aroostook Agency on Aging, 2-3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays through Nov. 18. FMI: 764-3396.
Thursday, Oct. 29
HOULTON: Putnam House senior center open from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Masks required.
HOULTON: NA meeting, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 9 a.m. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.
HOULTON: Relationships and Addiction, 11 a.m., facilitated by Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope. FMI: 207-254-2213.
HOULTON: AA meeting, 7:30-9 p.m. Thursdays at Church of the Good Shepherd, 116 Main St. FMI: Mike, 889-0910.
ZOOM: Virtual Tai Chi – Zoom class by Aroostook Agency on Aging. Slow exercise for every level. 6-7 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays through Nov. 12. FMI or to register: 764-3396.
Friday, Oct. 30
HOULTON: Halloween movie, “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” 2 p.m. at Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope. COVID restrictions in place. Snacks. Free. Open to public. Children welcome.
Saturday, Oct. 31
HOULTON: NA meeting, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 7 p.m. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.
Sunday, Nov. 1
HOULTON: AA meeting, 6 p.m. SMART Recovery, 7 p.m. Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.
Monday, Nov. 2
HOULTON: Putnam House senior center open from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Masks required.
HOULTON: Probation and Recovery meeting, Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 1:30 p.m. FMI: 207-254-2113 or Elamoreau@AMHC.org.
ONLINE: Senior Medicare Patrol Fraud and Abuse, online class by Aroostook Agency on Aging, 2-3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays through Nov. 18. FMI: 764-3396.
Tuesday, Nov. 3
HOULTON: Senior commodity food distribution by Aroostook Agency on Aging, 10-11 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church . FMI: 764-3396.
HOULTON: Parents in Recovery, facilitated by Aroostook Recovery Center of Hope, 36 North St., 11 a.m. FMI: 207-254-2213.
HOULTON: AA meeting, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays at First Baptist Church, 46 Court St. FMI: Mike, 889-0910.
ZOOM: Virtual Tai Chi – Zoom class by Aroostook Agency on Aging. Slow exercise for every level. 6-7 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays through Nov. 12. FMI or to register: 764-3396.