Founders formed the Pioneer Club
In 1915, Elisha Parkhurst, one of the most successful farmers of his time in the Presque Isle area, held a dinner at his house on Church Street in Presque Isle to which he invited nine old friends.
In 1915, Elisha Parkhurst, one of the most successful farmers of his time in the Presque Isle area, held a dinner at his house on Church Street in Presque Isle to which he invited nine old friends.
When genealogists discover they can’t proceed further in their research into a family or individual, they call it hitting a brick wall. As we start the new year, let’s look at a couple of tips to help you make progress with your own brick walls.
To the editor:
I want to thank Sen. Susan Collins for her leadership in co-authoring the Social Security Fairness Act.
To the editor:
Thank you for joining us today as we dedicate this monument on behalf of our medical staff to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Cary Medical Center and the gracious gift bestowed to the City of Caribou 100 years ago by our namesake, Dr. Jefferson Cary.
To the editor:
We at the Central Aroostook Humane Society would like to thank Paula Brewer and The Star-Herald for being such long-time supporters of the humane society.
Having discussed terms with the Denizens of the Ordinary, it has been agreed that the world will continue to whirl about the sun and the sun will continue to shine.
Were you aware that tourism is the leading economic industry in the state of Maine, and cultural heritage tourism is its fastest growing sector?
My husband of 49 years recently died. He had written his own obituary, left some general instructions for his funeral, and what he desired for his half of our tombstone.
Christmas Day has arrived. The gifts have been opened. People have marveled at the the ability to dream of futures filled with joy and happiness.