Associate degrees, diplomas and certificates were awarded at the 44th commencement exercises. President Timothy Crowley presided over the ceremony and welcomed more than 1,200 family members and guests of the graduates.
In offering his congratulations, Crowley encouraged the Class of 2007 to become involved in their community and state.
“Education provides us with a wonderful opportunity to improve our lives. It brings with it the responsibility to improve the lives of others,” he said. “An educated person assumes civic responsibilities that serve as the foundation of our democracy. Students need to be involved in their communities, their state and their country.
“It can begin with serving on a school board or town council, Little League or with Girl Scouts,” said Crowley. “You have a responsibility to be involved in your community. It’s important to give back.”
The need to give back was also shared by U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, who was the commencement speaker.
“I know you graduates are eager to get out there and show the world what you can do. The diplomas you receive today represent a great deal of hard work on your part, but they also represent a great debt you owe those who made it possible,” she said. “There are many ways you can repay this debt. I urge you to apply your talent, energy, and enthusiasm right here in Maine. Whether at the beginning of your career or later on, Maine needs what you have to offer.
“Maine needs the entrepreneurs, the innovators, the risk-takers who will create the businesses and jobs of the future,” she said. “Whether it’s joining the volunteer fire department or ambulance crew, helping out at your local school or hospital, serving on your town council or planning board, or participating in a service club, your community also needs you to volunteer, to get involved.”
As part of her address, Collins called attention to the fact that the NMCC campus “truly puts the word ‘community’ in community college.” She cited several examples of activities on the campus that both enhance student learning and serve the community.
Among them, Collins cited the work of students and faculty in five of the College trade and technical occupations programs on the building of the 30th Sinawik home project, a collaborative partnership between the Presque Isle Kiwanis Club and NMCC that has been going strong for three decades. She also cited a newly-launched project this past academic year by the students and faculty in the early childhood education program, entitled “In Their Hands,” which involves the college students preparing lesson plans and materials to accompany books purchased and donated to area childcare facilities.
The senator praised the campus for other recent accomplishments including the cooperative agreements reached this past year with Husson and New Brunswick Community colleges, as well as business partnerships forged through the Maine Quality Centers with Louisiana Pacific and Aroostook Starch. In addition, she commended faculty, staff and administrators for their work to gain recent accreditation from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills for the precision metals manufacturing program, a two-year curriculum which Collins obtained federal funding to establish in 2003.
In particular, Collins cited the work of NMCC to meet the growing demand for allied health needs in the region and pledged her support behind local efforts.
“NMCC’s commitment to delivering real value is evident in the continued certification of the nursing program, in the new medical assisting and medical coding programs, and in your expanding pediatrics curriculum,” said Collins. “The proposed Northern Maine Allied Health Education and Training Center is an outstanding example of the vision that drives this school, and I am dedicated to helping secure the funding to make this vision a reality.”
In addition to hearing words of encouragement from Collins and Crowley, graduates heard from one of their own. Joey Cyr, 22, of Van Buren, a graduate earning an associate degree in automotive technology, was elected by his peers to address classmates at commencement.
The 2002 graduate of Van Buren District Secondary School and honorably discharged corporal in the U.S. Army spoke of the high value he holds for his education.
“I was in the military for three years. While in the Army, a close friend and I would often talk about going home to get an education. I was fortunate to have this dream come true,” said Cyr. “However, three months before my friend and I were discharged, he got orders to go to Iraq. The day I came home, he left for Iraq. A month after he got there, he was killed by enemy fire. An education is something none of us can take for granted.”
The son of Charles and Judy Cyr of Van Buren enlisted in the U.S. Army and served overseas for two years in South Korea and one year at Fort Bragg, N.C. before being honorably discharged in 2005.
During his two years at NMCC, Cyr earned the respect of both his fellow students and faculty. He was selected by automotive technology instructor Dan Boyd as a student intern for the program this academic year.
“The Class of 2007 is about to close a chapter in our lives – just to open another one,” said Cyr. “As we go forward, I ask everyone to keep in mind how lucky they are. An education is an opportunity for a better future. It is a gift.”
Following the conferring of 148 associate degrees, 38 diplomas and 29 certificates, Crowley announced the winner of this year’s President’s Award, Betsy Harris. The honor is presented annually to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the college, meeting the needs of students, employees and the general public, as well as assisting in moving the College toward fulfilling its mission, vision and goals.
Harris is the registrar at NMCC and has been employed at the college since October 1977. For many years, she has served as the chair of the graduation committee and she currently serves as the affirmative action officer at the college. She has also served on the curriculum, strategic planning, and the self-study steering committees.
The following students graduated Saturday from NMCC:
Department of Arts & Sciences
Early Childhood Education
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Marybeth Burby, Ashland; Nichole L. Engstrom, Caribou; Lisa L. Simpson, Castle Hill; Harly A. Putnam, Chapman; Deborah L. Lagasse, Connor Township; Tasha E. Amero, Danforth; Adriana Hernandez, Fort Fairfield; Janice A. Labbe, Fort Kent; Christine A. McLaughlin, Haynesville; Sarah E. Craig, Houlton; Melinda S. Moran, Linneus; Victoria L. Levesque, Sherry A. Pelletier, and Therese Sirois, Madawaska; Jolene A. Blake and Danelle M. Grenier, Mapleton; Megan L. Woodman, Presque Isle; and Hope E. Couch, Washburn.
Liberal Studies
Associate in Arts Degree: Ronald W. Brown and Nicole M. Hopkins, Caribou; June R. Blakely, Caswell; Brandon D. Carlow and Harold R. Kierstead Jr., Easton; Maegen M. Bulley, Houlton; Craig J. Durost, Mars Hill; and Michaele C. Black and Kaci L. Murchison, Presque Isle.
Associate in Science Degree: Tammy L. Deschesne, Presque Isle.
Business Technology Department
Accounting Information Systems
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Casey L. Currie and Nahar M. Garbow, Caribou; Michael L. Ireland, Chapman; Alicia M. Kennedy, Hodgdon; Joshua M. Poisson, Limestone; Emily A. Baron, Madawaska; Philip R. Gray, Mars Hill; Patricia D. Dotson, Jessica L. Levasseur, Christine L. Smith, and Aimee E. Wilkins, Presque Isle; Jessica R. Ouellette, Stockholm; Bob J. Arsenault, Washburn; and Alma L. Beach, Corpus Christi, Texas.
Business Administration – Agri-Business
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Lacey J. Snyder, Perham.
Business Administration – Management
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Benjamin A. MacDonald and Alysa H. Snow, Ashland; Amelia A. Langley, Frank G. Scalora, and Randall D. Willett, Caribou; Christopher R. Grass, Kathryn A. Harris, and Christine L. Smith, Presque Isle; and Amanda M. Gagnon, Van Buren.
Computer Information Systems
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Brandon R. Thompson, Caribou; Christopher M. Putnam, Chapman; David J. LaTour, Easton; Amy Lou Coppola, Limestone; Joshua L. Borden, Presque Isle; and Jacob R. Green, Sangerville.
General Technology – Business Option
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Heidi L Pratt, Oakfield.
Information Technology
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Eric P. Maynard, Caribou; Meagan R. Baker, Limestone; Darren A. Miles and James C. Willette, Presque Isle; and Jacob R. Green, Sangerville.
Legal Office Administration
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Diana L. Doody and Amanda M. Moss, Mapleton.
Medical Office Administration
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Stacey L. Beaulier and Amber M. Smith, Ashland; Christina M. Maguire, Blaine; Lynn M. White, Mapleton; and Jennifer R. Kiser, Presque Isle.
Office Assistant
Certificate: Delia A. Bess and Susan A. Pinette, Presque Isle.
Nursing & Allied Health Department
EMT – Intermediate
Certificate: Eric W. Dickinson, Stockholm.
Associate in Science Degree: Maureen T. Pike and Lee D. Seelye, Baileyville; Judy A. Collins, Bridgewater; Trudy E. Gillespie, Calais; Kaitlyn M. Bossie, Mary T. Huston, and Jessica L. St. Peter, Caribou; Leane M. Saucier, Eagle Lake; Candyce L. Tyson, East Millinocket; Christopher J. Andrews, Easton; Brenda L. Green, Eastport; Libby E. Gardner, Fort Fairfield; Jennifer L. McGuire, Houlton; Debra L. Johnston and Terri R. McIntosh, Mapleton; Kelly J. Robichaud, Mars Hill; Linda J. Masse, New Canada; Sylvia K. Garey, Perham; Terri Kneeland, Janice M. Small, and Cindy L. Small, Perry; Ellen M. Duplessis, Amy J. Jackson, Sarah C. Scott, Diane D. Shaw, Christine J. Torre, and Sonja M. Williams, Presque Isle; Terri D. Covey, Princeton; Jill M. Greenlaw, Smyrna; Leanne L. White, Smyrna Mills; Portia L. Anderson, Washburn; Erik A. St. Peter, Woodland; Krista D. Davenport, California Settlement, NB; Alicea D. Earle, Lords Cove, NB; Krista J. Watters, Mainstream, NB; Amy J. Corbin, Plaster Rock, NB; and Elaine C. Morley, St. Stephen, NB.
Trade & Technical Occupations Department
Automotive Body Repair
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Daniel D. Duplessis, Presque Isle; Cecilia N. Wiggins, Washburn; and Benjamin J. Hebert, Winslow.
Diploma: James K. Libby, Bangor; Joshua L Greenier, Caribou; Brent R. Stewart, Dexter; Cody J. Huntington, Durham; Eric M. Condon, Easton; Ryan S. Ashby, Mapleton; LeeRoy E. King, Mars Hill; Christopher A. Fosdick, Rumford; Brian S. Kelley, Saco; and John Preston III, Canterbury, Conn.
Certificate: Patrick E. Toner, Jr., Houlton; Scott D. Howard III, Mercer; and Andrew S. Newsom, Barton, Vt.
Automotive Technology
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Matthew J. Ireland, Chapman; Benjamin J. Duplessis and Matthew J. Wright, Presque Isle; and Aaron T. Willard, Turner.
Diploma: Tony Dubuc, Bridgewater; Tyler M. Boucher, Caribou; Gregory P. Shemkovitz, Castle Hill; Christopher J.F. Fox, Fort Fairfield; Ryan P. McGinnis, Marshfield; Andy J. Jackson, St. Francis; Joey C. Cyr and Adam J. Dionne, Van Buren; and Ian C. Simmons, Waldoboro.
Certificate: Brian A. Dalot, Jay.
Computer-Aided Drafting
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Amanda L. Pooler, Caribou; Corey M. Vincent, Connor Township; Amy W. Bogue, Farmington; Scott P. Pettengill, Fayette; Meagan L. Johndro, Limestone; Jason R. Dubay, Mapleton; and Christopher J. Duchardt, Presque Isle.
Diploma: Michael S. Burgess, Rockland.
Certificate: Trevor J. Pettengill, Leeds.
Computer Electronics
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Marc P. Duperry, Ashland; Jeremy A. Haines and Alan J. Jalbert, Caribou; Jesse J. Cray, Presque Isle; and Patrick A. Littlehale, Groveton, N.H.
Diploma: Johnathan J. Langley, Caribou.
Diesel Hydraulics Technology
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Nicholas M. Fitzpatrick, Houlton; and Tyler J. Michaud, Presque Isle.
Diploma: Dustin B. DeLong, Blaine; Peter J. Raymond, Caribou; Tyler R. Lapierre, Hamlin; Tristan D. Brochu, Jay; Cole W. Putnam, Mapleton; Nicholas P. Pelkey, Presque Isle; Neil A. McKenna, Rumford; and Kirk J. Voisine, Wallagrass.
Certificate: Mathew A. Theriault, St. John Plantation.
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Frank A. Hafford, Connor; Jacob R. Chambers, Fort Fairfield; Chris L. Anderson, Fort Kent; Matthew S. Harrington, Machias; and Joshua K. Gonsioroski, Mapleton.
Diploma: Mark W. Yeo, Bass Harbor; Jacob A. Jarrett, Fort Kent; and Jan M. Perreault, New Canada.
General Technology – Trade Option
Associate in Applied Science Degree: David R. Genthner, Sr., and Mark A. Turner, Caribou.
Industrial Control & Measurement Technology
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Jason D. Cote, Presque Isle.
Plumbing & Heating
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Nicholas M. Fitzpatrick, Houlton; Christopher A. Crawford, Mars Hill; and John J. Dennis, Presque Isle.
Diploma: Allan J. O’Clair, Ashland; Andrew S. Brown, Fort Fairfield; and Emily R. Goodine, McLeod Hill, NB.
Certificate: Cory M. Bowker, Lee.
Certificate: Jared M. Goody, Bradley; Cory M. Bowker, Lee; and Thomas C. Merrill, South Gardiner.
Precision Metals Manufacturing
Associate in Applied Science Degree: Kevin M. Ouellette, Fort Kent; Jared W. Hand, New Limerick; and Benjamin J. Duplessis, Presque Isle.
Residential Construction
Associate in Applied Science Degree: K. Woody Simpson, Ashland; Chanel A. Gagnon, Cyr Plantation; and Aaron V. Boyd, Mars Hill.
Diploma: Garrett J Kilcollins, Mars Hill; and Brandon B. Berube and Phillip G. King, Presque Isle.
Certificate: Peter P. Bernier, Eagle Lake.
Welding & Metal Fabrication
Certificate: Patrick D. Beaulieu, Fort Fairfield; Brian E. Leach, Islesboro; Kevin T. Lemay, Lewiston; Michael A. Chasse, Mapleton; Thomas B. Malena, Masardis; Jeremy V. Dickinson, Joseph D. Henderson, Darren P. Higgins, and Colby R. Lauritsen, Presque Isle; Craig A. Black Union; Devan R. Jackson, Warren; and Benjamin J. Hebert, Winslow.
Northern Maine Community College graduates 210 students
PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – Whether it be continuing their education at another institution this fall or entering the workforce, the 210 students who graduated from Northern Maine Community College Saturday are ready to make their mark on the world.