Prayer vigil to help those with alcohol, substance abuse

18 years ago

God is calling the people of Aroostook County to a season of prayer. “The Body United – 2” is the second in a series of quarterly prayer vigils to be conducted on behalf of our friends and families impacted by alcohol and substance abuse.
 On Tuesday, July 31, from 6-9 p.m., host churches throughout Aroostook County will open their doors for a period of intentional praise, prayer and intercession for our homes and communities. Please join us as the Body of Christ unites to claim the promises of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and implement the truths of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
Whether you are willing to serve as a prayer warrior, or are currently experiencing your own substance-related crisis, we encourage you to join us as we petition the throne room of God to deliver and heal this region from the ravages of alcohol and drug abuse.
Prayer counselors will be available for individuals and family members who may desire a time of personalized prayer. It is our heart-felt desire that you will experience the love, acceptance, and safety of Jesus Christ in the midst of His people.
In preparation for this community outreach, we encourage area intercessors to engage in periods of prayer and fasting beginning July 24. Many area churches will be partnering and participating in this ministry effort. For a complete listing of host sites, please watch local papers the week of July 25.
For further information on how you, or your church, can be a part of this powerful outreach, please call Transformations Ministries at 768-3400.