Special to the Pioneer Times
A service marking the 57th Annual observance of the National Day of Prayer with the theme, 'Prayer! America's Strength and Shield', was held at the Salvation Army facility on May 1.
The Houlton chapter of the NDP Task Force guided by Wayne Pierce put together a varied program that clearly expressed their vision -the need for personal repentance and prayer, and mobilizing the Christian community to intercede for America in the seven centers of power: Family, Church, Education, Government, Business, Military and Media.
Via video, Shirley Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family Founder, James Dobson, and one of the NDP Coordinators on the national level, encouraged those attending with these words, "Let's remember that fervent intercession inspired by heartfelt contrition has the potential to change the course of our nation." Pastor Mark Lunn of the Hodgdon Baptist Church opened with prayer expressing thanks for America's constitutional freedoms to gather, worship, pray and speak freely.
Several youth from the Salvation Army fellowship took part in an expressive sacred dance followed later by a solo by Jenna Carr singing, 'Take My Life'. Familiar hymns were played by the Salvation Army brass band, as well. SOAR of Houlton, Support Our American Recruits, was represented by president, Peg Luciani, who spoke on the necessity and privilege of prayer for those who willingly put themselves in harm's way on our behalf. Luciani encouraged prayer support for the families of our military personnel who also sacrifice that our freedom might be secure.
Pastor Rick Carver from the County Road Baptist Church shared a message on the need to restore the moral values that made America strong. He described America as a great ship that has begun to drift. Through prayer, Carver believes we have the unique opportunity to unite in heart and mind as we stand against those forces that endanger the well being of our country and the values we hold dear. Carver's words were echoed by those of the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, Ravi Zacharias, whose message appears in the 2008 Prayer Guide, "We are living in a turbulent time in history. Without God, we will never to be able to navigate these waters into the future."
The 7×7 challenge was presented by Wayne Pierce. He encouraged those attending to go back to their churches and share the challenge to begin praying seven times a day, seven days a week for the seven centers of power and also for the town of Houlton.
Following the service a luncheon was provided by the Salvation Army, which included a large round cake decorated with the 7×7 logo. The cake had been designed by the Pastry Corner in Houlton.