We’re all in this together

16 years ago

To the editor:
    The recent letter to the editor “Pellet police: A new arm of the law” from Dick Graves contains some inaccurate information about both oil and pellets, and mischaracterizes the Maine Oil Dealers Association (MODA) and the businesses we represent in Aroostook County and statewide.     A vast majority of our members are family owned and operated small businesses. Grouping them with Saudi Arabian emirates and Washington politicians is specious. For the record, a majority of petroleum imports to the United States come from Canada, not the Middle East.
    Hinting that MODA has engaged in a “phony campaign” with regard to the data contained in our emissions report is a slight to our member companies and the 12,000 hardworking Maine people they employ. Misinformation campaigns are not our business.
    Recently it has been reported that wood-based fuels are cleaner than oil heat. This is not true. Pellet stoves pollute considerably more toxics and particulate matter than oil systems. The data – compiled by David Dixon, a former Maine DEP Air Bureau scientist and current air emissions expert – is no less credible simply because we paid for it.
    Energy prices have increased, and that impacts us all. Rather than the “us versus them” attitude espoused by Mr. Graves, we prefer to think that we are all in this together. While we have little control over the price of oil and other heating fuels, we can control how much energy we use. Working with your local oil dealer can help you to identify savings for the upcoming heating season, whether through conservation, efficiencies, upgrades or space heating solutions.

Jamie Py, president
Maine Oil Dealers Association