Whew! Things are finally quieting down, the seventh graders and new students are getting over the butterflies in their stomachs and we are getting into a routine after a busy opening of school.
The soccer teams, both junior and senior high, are in the midst of playing their schedules and the golf team has their first match on Sept. 5.
Tryouts for this year’s musical “Footloose” have already been held and the cast list posted. The musical will take place Nov. 21, 22 and 23.
School pictures will be taken on August 27 and Open House at the school will be held on Sept. 17 from 5:30 to 7.
On Sept. 9, the guidance counselors will be holding College Admissions Night with seniors and their parents at 6:30 in room 32.
School closes for harvest break on Friday, Sept. 19, and reopens on Tuesday, Oct. 14.
Junior High news
With the opening of Houlton Junior High School, grade 7 students will be involved in the interdisciplinary unit MSAD 29 Community Project.
Throughout the next few weeks, the students will be creating a booklet about our community that will include history, geography, industries, famous sons and daughters, interviews and landmarks. Investigation and research will underscore all requirements.
As a culminating event, the students will be out in the community September 18 and 19 completing various projects and visiting local places of interest.
We encourage our students to recognize that being part of the community also means giving back to the community. As a result, students are collecting donations and household items to present to the area museums. We would encourage parents and community members to become involved as we look forward to exciting days exploring our MSAD 29 community
Mr. Chornesky’s seventh grade reading classes have been busy the first two weeks of school. They have been reading self-selected novels, learning how to track their reading and have begun their vocabulary studies from the class novel they will read later this year. Vocabulary studies will include over 200 words during the year. Students took the STAR Reading Test (a diagnostic test of reading comprehension), and the results are available by contacting Mr. Chornestky (email works the quickest). Students have also begun writing literary letters to their peers discussing the self-selected novels they are reading.
In Mrs. Kreyssig’s reading classes we are digging into our self-selected reading books. We are discovering how asking questions about our books can help us to understand more deeply. These questions also serve as great discussion starters! Next week students will begin using “thinkmarks” to record their thoughts as they read each night. Our goal is to read actively with deep understanding.
Music department news
The HHS Band will be in concert on Thursday, August 28, 7 p.m. at the Amphitheater. Over one hundred students have been working hard these brief few weeks of school to get ready for the concert. Come and enjoy a high-energy concert. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held at the high school auditorium.
English class news
Students in Ms. Storti’s College Preparatory English 9 are currently studying the HHS Student Guide to Writing Research Papers. The students learn the basics of research in English class, and then apply the skills in a variety of other classes. Once students learn the basics of research, they must adhere to a strict district policy on plagiarism. Parents of freshman are asked to peruse the Guide and return a signed copy of the policy.
Science class news
Dr. Hannigan would like to welcome the new freshman and their parents to his biology classes. If you would like to know what is going on in our classroom, feel free to check out the class blog at http://mihanigan.edublogs.org. As for the juniors and seniors, anatomy and physiology classes have been working on an overview of the body and biochemistry class is currently taking a close look at the periodic table of elements.
Mrs. Matthew’s classes have been spending as much time as possible outdoors this school year, because the district has a new outdoor classroom under construction on the Bird Farm. There are many people responsible for this new structure, but Dan Jacobs has spearheaded the project and we are very grateful for his hard work and his dedication to our schools.
Biology, Introduction to Chemistry and Earth Science classes have all been increasing their awareness about safety in the laboratory. The students all need to return their signed lab safety contracts before they may perform any labs in the classroom. In addition to lab safety, science students have been putting the scientific method into practice by performing experiments and investigations and recording detailed observations. The next step in this process is to do a formal lab write-up at home.
Biology students are doing a great job working on their literacy skills by reading their textbooks at home and picking out the important details in class. The college preparatory course introduces students to many new vocabulary terms, and their diligence and perseverance are very important for their continued success. Parents and elementary and middle school teachers, thank you! For sending us such a nice bunch of kids this year!
Roger Howland Memorial Skateboarding Competition
The first Annual Roger Howland Memorial Skateboarding Competition will take place Oct. 18 at Community Park Skateboarding Park. There will be a meeting Aug. 27 at 2:35 for any interested students wanting to participate and plan for this event. All are welcome and encouraged to join in the fun. Proceeds will go towards a school comprehensive drug prevention program.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, feel free to sign up in the guidance office to be included to participate or help. For more information, please contact Hollie McPartland at Houlton High School at 532-6551 ext. 2.