Houlton District Court

16 years ago

    HOULTON – The following cases were heard at the Houlton District Court during the month of July, 2008.
    Robert Henderson, 18, Houlton: minor transporting liquor, 20 hours community service.
    Ricky C. Hill, 21, Easton: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
    Amanda Honeycutt, 27, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Kevin Johnson, 33, Moncton, N.B.: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Anthony Joseph, 56, Houlton: violating condition of release, 48 hours in jail.
    Lance Kramer, 21, Houlton: furnishing liquor to minor, $500 fine and 25 hours community service.
    Jeaudi W. Landry, 25, Presque Isle: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Lex B. Lindsay, 37, Island Falls: OUI, $500 fine.
    Jason L. Lord, 33, Sherman Mills: domestic violence reckless conduct, $100 fine and $500 restitution.
    James L. MacQuarrie, 61, Canning, N.B.: unlawful possession of scheduled drug, filed with $500 cost.
    Jacob Mathieu, 20, Millinocket: possession of marijuana, $350 fine.
    Patrick J. McAfee, 29, Houlton: unlawful possession of scheduled drug (two counts), 30 days in jail each; violating condition of release, 30 days in jail.
    Christina M. Merrill, 20, Cary Plantation: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Donald L. Michaud, 61, Island Falls: littering, $100 fine.
    Joshua M. Moore, 19, Houlton: disorderly conduct – loud unreasonable noise, 48 hours in jail.
    Jeritt Moran, 21, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
    Charles Garfield Muncey, 47, Houlton: disorderly conduct – loud unreasonable noise, 24 hours in jail.
    Tamyra Rae Owens, 44, Frankfort: violating condition of release, dismissed.
    Steve C. Pelletier, 52, Rockville, Conn.: theft by unauthorized use of property, dismissed.
    Jessi Polchies, 23, Houlton: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Francis G. Qualey, 24, Sherman: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Tyler J. Ritchie, 21, Oakfield: disorderly conduct – loud unreasonable noise, 48 hours in jail; criminal trespass, 48 hours in jail.
    Jamison M. Rocheleau, 35, Houlton: probation violation (two counts), 80 days in jail on first charge, 40 days in jail on second, probation partially revoked and probation continued each.
    Kevin L. Sanders, 29, Jay: operating snowmobile under the influence over 21 and .08 percent, $400 fine and 48 hours in jail.
    William Sanderson, 21, Presque Isle: possession of marijuana, dismissed.
    Matthew A. Sheen, 33, Woodstock, N.B.: failure to register vehicle, $100 fine.
    Travis W. Sirois, 39, Houlton: violating protective order, three days in jail.
    Timothy Slaton, 42, Smyrna: OUI, $500 fine, 48 hours in jail and 90-day license suspension.
    William Sleeper, 28, Island Falls: operating while license suspended or revoked – prior, $500 fine and 50 hours community service.
    Timothy W. Sock, 37, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: operating after suspension, $200 fine.
    Thaddeus C. Sprague, 25, Dyer Brook: failure to present ATV registration, $100 fine.
    Melissa L. Tidd, 26, Houlton: theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200 fine.
    Raymond Webb, 53, Island Falls: motor vehicle speeding: 30+ mph over speed limit, dismissed.
    Jennifer A. Wentworth, 27, Houlton: disorderly conduct – loud unreasonable noise, $100 fine.
    Tiffany D. White, 19, Houlton: operating vehicle without license – conditional/restricted, $250 fine; minor transporting liquor, $200 fine and 30-day license suspension.
    Roger Lee Willett Sr., 50, Patten: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine.
    Randall J. Woods, 41, Bangor: operating while license suspended or revoked, $250 fine; possession of marijuana, $350 fine.