Sen. Sherman tapped for commission

16 years ago

    Sen. Roger Sherman (R-Aroostook County) has been appointed to serve as a member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission.    The Commission, established in 2004, is charged with assessing the legal and economic impact of international trade policies and agreements on Maine’s state and local laws, business environment and working conditions. The Commission holds public hearings throughout the state, interacting with elected leaders in Maine and other states, and makes recommendations to the Legislature, Maine’s Congressional Delegation, and U.S. trade negotiators.
    The Commission is comprised of three state senators, three state representatives, a representative of the Maine Attorney General’s office, and citizen members representing small business, agriculture, manufacturing, trade, economic development, labor, environmental, health care, and human rights sectors.
    “Maine, sharing a border with Canada, being on the northern flight path to and from Europe, and having deep water seaports, is uniquely impacted by international trade. Aroostook County families are well aware of the impact that trade agreements have on Maine businesses and Maine people,” Sherman said. “I am honored to be named to this very important commission and I look forward to working with our federal delegation in exploring the issues and seeking thoughtful solutions that will ensure fairness for Maine’s working families and employers.”
    Sen. Sherman was appointed to a two-year term on the panel by Senate President Elizabeth Mitchell (D- Kennebec County), after being recommended for the post by Senate Republican Leader Kevin Raye (R-Washington County). Sherman is also a member of the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committees on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry; and Utilities and Energy.