Staff Writer
Events for Caribou’s 150th sesquicentennial celebration will be in full swing again this weekend and local corporations, businesses and organization sponsors shouldn’t miss out on these attractive opportunities to have their names visible during any of these events. The Sesquicentennial Committee still has a need for local sponsors to sign up for this unique and once in a lifetime event, creating a chance to increase valuable regional exposure. Committee members encourage businesses and the like to become a sponsor and participate in hundreds of logo or business name exposure throughout 2009.
Sponsorship levels include: platinum, $1,000; gold, $500; silver, $250; and bronze $100. Exposure from the various sponsorship levels varies according to the level purchased with all advertising spent locally. Being involved by becoming a community sponsor will enhance the image of a business or organization through advertising the name and logo in newspapers, radio, television, local restaurant placemats, banners and event brochures.
Special events throughout the year will bring together hundreds or thousands of people. Early involvement will create greater exposure not only regionally but in some cases statewide. Event brochures will be printed by the thousands from now until the end of the year.
This is an opportunity to lead the way. As the 150th celebration continues, opportunities will be presented to bring sponsor logos to the front. Sponsors make a difference. It’s Caribou’s birthday — be a part of it.