Heating assistance available to low income households

16 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE – James E. Baillargeon, senior manager of Energy and Housing Services for Aroostook County Action Program (ACAP), has announced that funds are still available for the 2008-09 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). 

Over 6,553 applications have been taken in Aroostook County since late July. Currently, nearly $4.8 million in benefits have been issued to 5,119 households. ACAP expects to process applications for approximately 7,000 households this heating season and will continue to schedule application intake appointments through April 30.
    “LIHEAP provides financial help to eligible low-income households to offset the high costs of home heating,” Baillargeon said. “Eligible households are entitled to one LIHEAP benefit per heating season. LIHEAP is not an emergency program and is not intended to cover a household’s entire heating costs. Although the average benefit to date is approximately $933, it is important to note that benefits are issued based on a sliding scale formula that provides more LIHEAP assistance for people with the lowest income and highest energy costs.”
    According to Baillargeon, all households must meet income and program guidelines to qualify for a LIHEAP benefit. Individuals who are homeowners, are renters who pay their heating costs directly or indirectly, live in subsidized housing and pay for heating costs directly, or live in a rooming or boarding situation may be eligible for a regular LIHEAP benefit.
    “To help maintain their household Food Stamp allotment, all individuals who reside in subsidized housing with heat included in their rent and receive Food Stamps should apply for a special $5 LIHEAP benefit, if they have not applied since Oct. 1, 2005,” Baillargeon said. “That special LIHEAP eligibility benefit will remain in effect through Sept. 30, 2010.
    A household is eligible for LIHEAP if the total household income is less than or equal to 200 percent of Maine’s LIHEAP Income Guidelines for the number of persons living there. A household is also eligible for LIHEAP under the 230 percent Maine LIHEAP Income Guidelines if a member of that household qualifies in one of the following categories: children 24 months old or younger, adults 60 years of age or older, or with written confirmation from a physician that a person’s physical condition makes them vulnerable to the effects of hypothermia. Hypothermia is a condition in which prolonged low temperatures threaten survival.
    For households exceeding the income guidelines, non-reimbursed medical expenses paid within the same income test period used to determine eligibility can be deducted from their gross income. Medical expenses include medical and dental insurance premiums, the cost of medications, dental work and eyeglasses, physician fees and cost for travel to a physician. Documentation of payment for any non-reimbursed medical expenses must be provided.
    “To process an application, each applicant must provide proof of their total household gross income for either three or 12 calendar months immediately before the month the applicant applies for a benefit,” said Baillargeon. “At this time of year, it takes approximately 25 days from the application date for an eligible LIHEAP applicant to receive their benefit, however, providing proof of income at their appointment can speed up the process.”
    Applicants are also asked to bring the following information to their intake appointment: Social Security/SSI recipients should bring a copy of their most recent direct deposit statement, or a copy of a recent check; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients should also bring verification of that income to their appointment.
    According to program guidelines, employed applicants must provide check stubs or a signed statement(s) from their employer(s) documenting their total gross earnings for the three or 12 months before they apply. W-2 forms will not be accepted as proof of earnings. Self-employment income can be verified using the most recent income tax form, however, self employed applicants applying after Jan. 1 must submit their 2008 tax return as proof of their self-employment income.
    For additional information or to schedule an appointment at a nearby site, call ACAP Energy and Housing Services LIHEAP program in Presque Isle at 768-3053 or toll-free at 1-800-585-3053. Arrangements can also be made to visit homebound individuals.


                    Maine 2008-2009 LIHEAP Income Guidelines
                 Household           200%                 230%
                     size        3 Mos    12 Mos         3 Mos      12 Mos

    1 person          $5,200    $20,800        $5,980      $23,920
    2 persons          7,000      28,000          8,050       32,200
    3 persons          8,800      35,200         10,001      40,006
    4 persons        10,600      42,400         11,906      47,626
    5 persons        12,400      49,600         13,811      55,246
    6 persons        14,200      56,800         15,716      62,866
    7 persons        16,000      64,000         16,074      64,295
    8 persons        16,431      65,724         16,431      65,724
    9 persons        16,788      67,152         16,788      67,152
    10 persons      17,145      68,581         17,145      68,581
    For each additional family member add:

                              $357       $1,429            $357      $1,429