Recent legislation has made a number of changes to the sales, use and service provider tax laws affecting a wide range of taxpayers. Maine Revenue (“MRS”) is committed to providing accessible and affordable educational opportunities to as many taxpayers as possible. In an effort to reduce your travel time, eliminate the need for you to leave your business during normal work hours and to make these sessions affordable, these seminars are being provided at numerous locations across the state, during the afternoon and evening hours and at no charge. Agenda will focus on the upcoming changes regarding the expansion of sales tax to the following services:
• Amusement, entertainment and recreational services;
• Personal property services;
• Installation, repair and maintenance services;
• Transportation and courier services;
• The increase in tax rates on prepared food, lodging, short-term auto rentals and liquor for on-premises consumption;
• New definitions of candy and soft drink;
• Applying sales tax to rental payments and lease payments;
• An airport transportation fee on taxicabs and limousine operators; and
• Applying sales tax to residential long-distance telephone service.
In addition, the agenda will also cover other legislative changes like:
• Additional sales tax exemptions;
• Change in sales tax treatment of park model recreational vehicles;
• The expansion of the motor oil premium fees to pre-packaged motor oil; and
• Change in tax rates on smokeless tobacco products.
The presenters will also review MRS’ electronic services that are available, such as the MRS Web site, Internet filing, EZ pay applications and Telefile system. If time permits, the presenters will be available to address your general questions regarding the administration of the sales, use and service provider tax law.
Each location has two sessions; one from 1 to 4 p.m. and the other from 6 to 9 p.m. Both sessions will be providing the same information. These sessions are free. No pre-registration is needed. Due to the question and answer format of this year’s sales tax seminars, no CPE credits or attendance certificates will be provided.
Locally, the session is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 21, at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center on Route 1;