15 years ago

    TREK ACROSS MAINE — Among the local cyclists who participated in the annual Trek Across Maine for the American Lung Association this summer were, in front from left, Kathy Allen, Ann Kirkpatrick, Jodi Munn and Jefferson Quitazol. Second row, Cary Schumacher, Brent McKeen, Craig Dubay, Carl Grant, Jonathan Kelley, Kelly Kelley, Kim Kennedy, Cara Miller, Erika Valtinson, Emily Cole, Cathy Bouchard, Bonnie Wood, Steph Caverhill, Beth Williams and Loretta Harmon. Third row, Mark Fullen, Joe Weber, Andrew Coiley, James Gerety, Sue Ouellette, Dave Silsbee, Denise Young and Penny McHatten. Back row, Brent Jepson, Kyle Washington, Ben Fields, Jeff Bennett, Sam Collins, Paul Lamoreau, Hal Stewart, Jessica Grass and Brent Grass. Image