The Houlton Recreation Department will be sponsoring the following activities during the February vacation break. Registration is required for all programs. To register, call 532-1310 by Feb. 12.
Arts & Crafts for grades K-6 will be offered on Tuesday, Feb. 16 from 9-11a.m. Youth should wear play clothes as some crafts may be messy. A snack will be provided at this program. Cost is $5 per child and this program is limited to 24 children.
Star Gazers Wanted for this fun “Sneakin’ In Science” program on Thursday, Feb. 18 from 10 a.m. to noon. Sara McQuarrie will be the instructor. This program will feature a Skylab Portable Planetarium and children will make their own film canister viewer and a pianisphere that can be used to locate constellations. This program is for youth between the ages of 7-13 years. The class is limited to the first 15 to register. Cost is $15 per child and a snack will be provided. Come view and learn about the stars and constellations at this awesome opportunity.
Games Galore for grades K-6 will be held on Friday, Feb. 19 from 9-11a.m. Youth should wear play clothes and sneakers this fun morning of games. A snack will be provided at this program. Cost is $5 per child and this program is limited to 24 children.
To register or for more information, call the Houlton Recreation Department at 532-1310.