New Houlton traffic light to ease plaza congestion

Elna Seabrooks , Special to The County
14 years ago

Market Square to get power boost

   HOULTON, Maine — A new four-way traffic light at the Marden’s shopping plaza entrance will be installed as the result of a unanimous vote at the town council meeting on Oct. 12.
    The councilors authorized Town Manager Doug Hazlett to execute an agreement with MaineDOT on behalf of Houlton to reconfigure entrances and exits for VIP, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Rite Aid and Dunn Furniture along North St. opposite the Marden’s entrance. The installation will also have a pedestrian crossing light. Hazlett stated that the state will pay to put the light in place and the town will maintain it.
Since the council meeting, the signed agreement has been returned to the town manager’s office. The process is projected to begin at some point in the spring.
Electrical  service improvements
In another unanimous move, council members agreed to use up to $6,577 from the Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) reserve account to improve electric power in the downtown area. Hazlett said it was one of the first opportunities to use TIF money and it will not affect the budget or impact the mil rate.
The electrical upgrade, according to Hazlett, is necessary to accommodate Christmas lights and the Farmers’ Market and avoid the types of outages experienced last year.
As the result of an application by Police Chief Butch Asselin, the town accepted a $166,581 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. Hazlett said the money “will improve policing capabilities and help reduce overtime costs.” A stipulation in the 2010 COPS hiring program grant requires Houlton to maintain the position for one year after the initial three-year grant period. Hazlett stated that the provision can be adhered to within Houlton’s budget.
Other business
Legally required election warrants were signed to notify residents of the upcoming municipal election on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
To address another legal requirement, the council authorized the Registrar of Voters to be available at the Town Office, 21 Water St., to register voters and make address and name changes. The office is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Dow’s Taxi was approved for an additional permit to operate a second cab. Hazlett said he was glad that the new business was so successful that Leigh Dow was able to add an additional taxi and he understood that he was “doing a great job.”
During the public comments portion of the meeting, Asselin introduced Officer Theron Bickford who recently joined the force. Asselin referred to him as a “great asset” to the department.
Asselin also stated that in the interest of safety, the police department will be blocking off High St. from Park St. to Franklin Ave. from 4:30-9 p.m. Asselin said residents who live on the street will still be able to get to and from their homes.
Councilor Sue Tortello read a formal declaration whereby Houlton proclaimed November as Adoption Awareness Month.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 25 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at 21 Water St.