Don’t give up on giving cards

14 years ago

To the editor:
Sorry, Joe, I couldn’t disagree with you more regarding the purchase of valentines for your loved one (Cup-o-Joe 2/9/11). Perhaps it’s a matter of the generation gap; yours, the transitory quality of e-mail, Twitter, even Facebook; mine, the sentimental hoarding of photo albums and scrapbooks.
    Now that my husband is gone, I have fond memories of him, realizing suddenly it’s Valentine’s Day, dashing out to the store and returning with probably the most perfect Valentine that “says it all.” Not only that, but scrawled at the bottom “I love you more now than ever.” I’ve got a huge tote-box of those sweet moments. I can hold them in my hands; I can look at them and remember.
Movies and dinner out were fun, too. But the cards are forever.
Try it! She’ll like it!

Carol Whited