14 years ago

SH Memorial Banner


MEMORIAL DAY will be celebrated on Monday across the nation, with communities hosting parades and families and friends gathering for a variety of picnics and activities.

NE-MemDayRushinalFlags-clr-c-sh-21Staff photo/Kathy McCarty

In Presque Isle, the VFW will be hosting the annual parade, with lineup taking place at the University of Maine at Presque Isle and the parade starting at 10 a.m. A wreath will be tossed from the Park Street Bridge, with events planned at both Fairmount Cemetery and Memorial Park. In Mapleton, the parade will begin place at 2 p.m. Although no parade is planned, Ashland is already in the spirit, thanks to the installation of 70 flags throughout the town, donated and placed by resident Ronald Rushinal. Pictured here along Route 163 entering town are some of the many flags that were hung from utility poles.

(More stories in the special section).