Singing a duet during a recent performance of McGill’s Community Band are the father and son duo of Fred and Connor Grant.
Keeping the beat as he plays the timpani is Michael Clark during a recent performance of the McGill’s Community Band. The band plays free concerts in Houlton’s Monument Park every Thursday at 7 p.m. The final community band concert will be held Thursday, Aug. 18.
Jim Ellsworth keeps the beat while playing baritone sax.
Derrick Firtzpatrick plays percussion for McGill’s Community Band.
Striking up the band is conductor Joe Fagnant.
Playing saxophone is youngster Caleb Tribou.
David McGuillicuddy, the founder of McGill’s Community Band, may no longer serve as conductor, but that does not mean he can’t still play an instrument in the band.
Kevin Mania plays a string of chimes.