Thursday in the park

13 years ago

BS-McGills-dc1-pt-30Singing a duet during a recent performance of McGill’s Community Band are the father and son duo of Fred and Connor Grant.

BS-McGills-dc2-pt-30Keeping the beat as he plays the timpani is Michael Clark during a recent performance of the McGill’s Community Band. The band plays free concerts in Houlton’s Monument Park every Thursday at 7 p.m. The final community band concert will be held Thursday, Aug. 18.

BS-McGills-dc6-pt-30Jim Ellsworth keeps the beat while playing baritone sax.

BS-McGills-dc4-pt-30Derrick Firtzpatrick plays percussion for McGill’s Community Band.

BS-McGills-dc8-pt-30Striking up the band is conductor Joe Fagnant.

BS-McGills-dc3-pt-30Playing saxophone is youngster Caleb Tribou.

BS-McGills-dc7-pt-30David McGuillicuddy, the founder of McGill’s Community Band, may no longer serve as conductor, but that does not mean he can’t still play an instrument in the band.

BS-McGills-dc5-pt-30Kevin Mania plays a string of chimes.