NMCC employees honored for milestones

13 years ago

NMCC employees honored for milestones

PRESQUE ISLE — A collective 260 years of service to higher education in Aroostook County was recognized recently as Northern Maine Community College honored 19 employees who have reached milestones of service to the campus in this the golden anniversary year of the founding of the institution.

More than 100 employees and college retirees gathered for a luncheon to recognize faculty and staff members, six of whom have been with NMCC for more than half of those 50 years. President Timothy Crowley led the recognition event which featured touching and humorous tributes to the honorees by their fellow colleagues.

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NMCC HONORED THREE of its recent retirees at the annual employee recognition luncheon on campus. Sitting in the rocking chairs they were presented are, from left: Ronald Fitzgerald, Guy Jackson and John Price.

“As we celebrate 50 years, it is events like this that remind us that it is the people here at NMCC that make the difference in the lives of our students and who are the reason why we have been so successful for five decades,” said Crowley. “Time and again we hear from students, parents and alumni about how much of a difference NMCC has made in their lives or the lives of their children. Everyone who shares this sentiment with me also speaks of the individuals on the college faculty and staff who were instrumental in helping them to achieve their goals and realize their dreams.”

Three NMCC employees were each honored for 30 years of service to the campus. Daniel Boyd, automotive technology instructor; William Egeler, dean of students; and Ron Fitzgerald, interim academic dean, all of Presque Isle, were presented with a special plaque featuring a hand-turned wooden apple and inscription that indicated that an apple tree had been planted in their honor on the college grounds.


Photo courtesy of Northern Maine Community College
NMCC EMPLOYEES, from left, front row: Daniel Boyd, William Egeler and Ronald Fitzgerald were honored for 30 years of service to the campus community at a recent recognition luncheon held on campus. Honored for 20 years of service were, back row: Mary Cornelio, left, while Eileen McDougal and Paula York, right, were honored for 25 years. Absent when the photo was taken was Norma Smith, 20 years.

Boyd, Egeler and Fitzgerald bring the total number of individuals who have marked 30 years of service and have had trees planted on campus in their honor to 17. Past such honorees include Brian McDougal, department chair for trade and technology; Ann Osgood, instructor in the business technology department; Nancy Gagnon, administrative specialist in the admissions office; Betty Kent-Conant, retired department chair for nursing and allied health; John Price, social science instructor; Dennis L. Albert, welding & metal fabrication instructor; Betsy A. Harris, registrar; Brian A. McQuade, maintenance mechanic supervisor; John. E. Johnson Sr., maintenance mechanic; Richard Duplessis, mathematics instructor; Georgia Dicker, retired administrative support staff member; Daniel Hotham, retired communications instructor; Morris “Sonny” Michaud, retired welding instructor; and David Guerrette, occupational safety instructor.

Marking a quarter century of service to NMCC in 2011 and honored at the recognition luncheon were Eileen McDougal of New Sweden, nursing instructor, and Paula York of Mapleton, office administration instructor.

Twenty-year honors were presented to Mary Cornelio of Mapleton, nursing instructor, and Norma Smith of Presque Isle, assistant director of financial aid.

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FACULTY AND STAFF at NMCC were recently honored for milestones of service to the campus. Presented with 10-year service awards were, from left, front row: Elizabeth Crawford and Ruth White, while Charles Kelley was honored for 15 years of service. Five-year honorees were, back row: Heidi Broad-Smith, Avon Brown, Shelli Cronkite, Deborah Folsom, Jan Grieco and Jason Parent. Absent when the photo was taken were five-year honorees Fred Doody, Susan Dugal and Peter Goheen.

Charles Kelley of Limestone, electrical instructor, was recognized for 15 years of service. After receiving the honor it was noted that Kelley shares a birthday with NMCC. Both Kelley and NMCC celebrated their 50th birthdays this past June 17.

Ten-year honors were presented to Elizabeth Crawford of Presque Isle, On Course for College program coordinator, and Ruth White of Presque Isle, regional director of the Early College for ME program.

Nine employees were recognized for five years of service. Among those presented with this honor were Heidi Broad-Smith of Blaine, early childhood education instructor; Avon Brown of Caribou, custodian II; Shelli Cronkite of Westfield, psychology instructor; Fred Doody of Caribou, maintenance; Susan Dugal of Limestone, nursing instructor; Deborah Folsom of Smyrna Mills, nursing instructor in Houlton; Peter Goheen of West Chapman, campus safety and security officer; Jan Grieco of Perham, English instructor; and Jason Parent of Caribou, director of development and college relations.

Three retirees, who announced their retirement since the end of the most recently completed academic year, were also recognized at the luncheon. Guy Jackson, residential construction instructor, and John Price, social science instructor, both of Presque Isle, along with Fitzgerald, were presented rocking chairs with an engraved NMCC seal.