13 years ago


      Members of the Fort Fairfield Middle/High School Civil Rights team presented STAND UP to Bullying program information at the Feb. 15 Fort Fairfield Rotary Club meeting.


Contributed photo

The representatives  BS-FF ROTARY BULLYING-DCX-SHAR-08 described the team’s mission as stopping bullying and harassment both at school and in the community. In the future, the Civil Rights team plans to hold fundraisers, invite speakers to address what is bullying and how to handle it. In addition, the team will be holding peer discussion groups and hopes to travel to Augusta to speak with members of the State Attorney General’s Office under whose auspices the statewide Civil Rights program falls. Pictured are, from left, front row: Chris Berry, team member; Rachel Elmore, adviser; and Erin Williams, team president. Back row: Matt Theriault, treasurer, and Tracy Copeland, Rotary Club program host.