Keep named Student of the Month

12 years ago


by Debbie Smith

    Easton Elementary School officials have named the February Student of the Month.

Olivia Keep is the first grade daughter of Andy and Renee Keep. Olivia is a hard-working and conscientious young lady who always gives her best effort in school. She is kind and friendly and often looks for opportunities to be helpful to those around her.

2013 pageant

    The annual Miss Easton Pageant will be held on April 20 at 7 p.m. at the Easton Jr./Sr. High School. The theme for the night is Bollywood. It should be a fun night for everyone. Come out and support our young ladies. Girls from elementary school through high school will be competing.

Alumni newsletters

    The annual alumni newsletters have been sent out. Look for them in your mailbox soon. Also there is a list of alumni whose addresses we do not know. You can check this out on the Easton website, which the list will be posted on soon.
    Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at or call 488-5530.