RSU board expresses concern over assessment test results

12 years ago

By Lisa Wilcox
Staff Writer

    CARIBOU — Less than favorable results from testing done to determine student proficiency in math, reading and writing were brought to the Eastern Aroostook RSU 39 Board’s attention at their meeting held on March 20 at the Superintendent’s Office in Caribou.

    Lois Brewer, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, provided the board with printouts of the results from New England Common Assessment Program testing done in grades three through eight in the district’s schools. Brewer pointed out that a fair amount of the results came in ranked “substantially below proficient” in many of the subjects for all schools. She stated that this was obviously a serious concern for the RSU and that administration planned to address the issue with the faculty in order to come up with a plan of action to improve future scores.
    “We do not have throw-away kids in this district,” Brewer asserted.
    The board asked for a comparison of how these results stood against past scores, and Brewer advised that it is hard to determine precisely as the testing program used has changed frequently over the years. NECAP has only been used for the past few years and is slated to change again in the near future.
    The board agreed that regardless of testing method, the 2012 results were unacceptable and supported taking any necessary measures to improve the students’ performance.
    Brewer also gave a presentation on learner-centered standards based education, explaining the difference between curriculum and standards for the new method of learning that will be implemented in the district’s schools. Brewer explained that the teachers will have to begin basing their curriculum on the new standards.
    Caribou Mayor Gary Aiken addressed the board regarding their policy for public comments at their meetings. In the past, the public has been limited to speaking only regarding issues listed on the meeting’s agenda, and Aiken pointed out that the school board’s policy does not apply any limitation on what comments can be made as long as the subject does not target a specific employee or student of the RSU.
    Aiken’s concern stemmed from his attempt to address the board at a prior meeting where he was advised that comments were limited to subjects listed on the agenda. He spoke about his issue with Superintendent Frank McElwain privately and also reviewed the policy and felt it was necessary to point out to the board the actual wording. The board apologized to Aiken for their misunderstanding and requested that the policy subcommittee review the policy.
    The board then proceeded to approve job descriptions for a world languages club adviser, a National Honor Society adviser, a chess team adviser and a math team adviser. They also unanimously approved policies regarding suspension of students, expulsion of students and expulsion guidelines. Instructional staff planning time policies were approved for second readings.
    McElwain’s report to the board included news of the resignation of Simona Fields as a physical therapist at the end of the school year. He reviewed the budget adoption calendar for school year 2013-14, explaining that the public session will be held at Caribou Middle School on May 1.
    The superintendent also discussed the fact that adopting a “common calendar,” where all schools, including elementary, middle and high, would go back into session together, would save the district an estimated $20,000. The board supported the development of such a calendar.
    McElwain concluded his report by informing the board that 32 staff members had participated in the Nutri Fit Five Fitness Challenge. The goal of the program was to encourage individuals to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables and exercise at least 30 minutes per day. The participants were eligible to win gift cards to local grocery stores. McElwain advised a spring challenge will be put into place, which will involve exercise only.
    The meeting concluded with the administrators from Teague Park, Limestone Community School, Caribou Middle School and Hilltop Elementary providing updates on recent events and activities that had taken place at each school.
    The next RSU 39 school board meeting will be held this evening at the Superintendent’s Office in Caribou at 7 p.m.