What’s Happening: Week of September 9, 2015

Thursday, Sept. 10

     CARIBOU: College Admissions Night at the Performing Arts Center for parents and students. Information on applications, SATs, campus visits and interviews, essays and other topics. Relaxed format with opportunities for questions.

     NEW SWEDEN: Regular meeting of the New Sweden School Department at 6:30 p.m. at the New Sweden School

Saturday, Sept. 12

     CARIBOU: Annual Walk MS: Caribou at Cary Medical Center. Check-in is at 9 a.m.; walk starts at 10. Two fully accessible course options, 3.5 mile or 1.25 mile. FMI or to register visit WalkMSgne.org, call 1 (800) 344-4867 or email WalkMSgne@nmss.org.

     LIMESTONE: Linda M. Page Remembrance Walk, 14th annual walk-a-thon, at 10 a.m. Beginning and ending at the Frost Memorial Library. Two routes to choose from; walk at your own pace. FMI contact Angel at the library.

     LIMESTONE: The Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge’s historic weapons storage area will be open to the public from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The 3-mile Auto Tour Route starts at the Refuge Office and extends to the storage area. FMI: 328-4634.

Tuesday, Sept. 16

     LIMESTONE: The Robert A. Frost Memorial Library’s Book Club will hold its first meeting at 1 p.m. The theme of this year’s selections is award-winning authors. Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. FMI call 325-4706 or email fml@limesetonemaine.org.

Saturday, Sept. 19

     FORT KENT: UMFK will host its 6th annual Classic and Custom Car Show from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on the university campus, part of Homecoming and the Scarecrow Festival. Free; open to the public. On-site vendors, face painting, entertainment and family fun.

Monday, Sept. 21

     PRESQUE ISLE: The Central Aroostook Kennel Club will offer Canine Good Manners classes at the PI recreation building. Cost is $70. Positive clicker training. Preregistration required; FMI call Lisa, 764-7651.

Saturday, Sept. 26

     PRESQUE ISLE: Two-day workshop with Dee Ganley, hosted by Central Aroostook Kennel Club at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center. Check-in/registration at 9 a.m., workshop at 9. Today’s topic is “Changing People, Changing Dogs.” FMI visit theCAKC.com or call Dotty Dudley, 488-6841. $160 for both days, $90 for one.

Sunday, Sept. 27

     PRESQUE ISLE: Continuing workshop with Dee Ganley, hosted by Central Aroostook Kennel Club at the Presque Isle Inn and Convention Center. Check-in/registration at 9 a.m., workshop at 9. Today’s topic is “Teaching Self-Control Skills.” FMI visit theCAKC.com or call Dotty Dudley, 488-6841.

Please visit us online at www.republican-me.com for the complete community calendar listing of events.