Visitors view blooms and help the hungry

7 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Visitors dropped in at several local gardens Saturday and helped out Grace Interfaith Food Table (GIFT) in the bargain.

The annual Gardening for Food tour took place Aug. 5, with proceeds benefiting the Presque Isle food pantry. Seven gardens were available for the public to tour, each offering its own particular style.

Charlene Buzza, GIFT director of volunteers, said, “Two had water features that were so peaceful. The flowers were in full show with coneflowers, daylilies, begonia, bee balm, petunias and hydrangeas, to name only a few.”

Buzza said she appreciated the gardeners who opened their gates to the public, and thanked them “for their hard work, dedication and willingness to give their time to help make this tour a success again.”

Participating garders were: Rick and Marilyn Nadeau, Gayle James, Revily Fulton, Sue Brown, Gloria and Jim Fletcher, Cindy Flanagan and Tina Ward.

For more information about GIFT, call 764-8584. Donations are accepted at GIFT, 11 Industrial St., Presque Isle.