Tomorrow evening, Thursday, Aug. 17, the Wednesday Night Fiddlers will return to Mapleton. The Haystack Historical Society and Mapleton Lions Club will host the fiddlers at the Mapleton Lions Hall for a concert starting at 6:30 p.m.
Last year’s Wednesday Night Fiddlers evening filled the museum to overflow capacity. This year the historical and Lions groups are teaming up so the music program can be performed at the Hall.
The community is invited to attend the show, where donations will be accepted and split between the Haystack Historical Museum and the Mapleton Lions Club. Society members thanked the Lions for their willingness to waive the hall rental fee in lieu of splitting the donations received.
Meet the Pilots
On Saturday morning, Aug. 26, the Chapman Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club will host a pancake breakfast at their clubhouse in Mapleton. Members of the public will have the opportunity to meet the pilots taking part in this year’s Crown of Maine Balloon Festival at the annual pancake breakfast.
This is a chance for everyone to meet and ask questions about the pilots’ flying experiences and how their hot air balloons work.
Breakfast will be served from 7-10 a.m. and is open to the public. The cost is $8/person.
Kenney Family 40th
In July 56 family members and guests attended the Iva and Bernard Kenney 40th annual family reunion at the Chapman Ridge Runners Clubhouse.
An active kitchen crew of Janet and David Hopkins, Russ, Kendall, Karel, Judy and Maylen Kenney served coffee and assorted breakfast goodies to welcome everyone. Following this welcome, Dawn Kenney said grace and a potluck dinner was enjoyed by family members and guests.
The family business was conducted by Karel Kenney where the following officers were elected for 2017-18: Tim Brown, president; Judy Kenney, secretary; Heather Winslow, treasurer; and Karel Kenney, newsletter editor. David and Terry McPherson’s families were selected to head up the 2018 reunion kitchen crew, while the cleanup crew will be Heather Winslow’s family and Rhonda.
In other family news, everyone was pleased to learn there were no family deaths in 2017. On the happy side of the news, there were three births: Margot Adelle, March 2, 2017, to Joshua and Christine Keegan, with grandparents Dan and Bonnie Keegan; Aubrey Diane, Oct. 28, 2016, to James and Brianne Humphrey and grandparents Tracy and Diane Humphrey; and Tucker Weldon Robert, July 23, 2017, to Torey and Jenn McPherson and grandparents Terry and Cindy McPherson.
There were three weddings. First on March 17, 2017, Shawn and Rowena Alley; then on May 6, 2017, Timothy Brown and Dawn Desjardins; followed by David Hopkins and Tiffani Koscinski on Aug. 12, 2017.
The highlight of the reunion was a family auction led by Preston Kenney as the auctioneer who entertained while helping family members empty their pockets for clever family-made crafts. A folding table/bench, assembled by Karel, was won by Scott and Pat Bagley.
The 2018 reunion will be held at the Chapman Ridge Runners again on the last Saturday of July.
Registration is Open
The Mapleton After-School Soccer Program is tentatively scheduled to start on Aug. 29 with assessments for the Pre-K-Kindergarten kids, continuing Aug. 30 with assessments for the grades 1-3, and Thursday, Aug. 31, for grades 4-6.
ALL children should attend with their age group. A schedule for specific game times will be made for the weeks following assessment. Each child will be put on a specific team, and will follow the schedule for that team. For more information, go to the Mapleton Recreation webpage at:

The entertainers at Methodist Mother-Daughter Banquet on May 20 are: from left to right: Pre-Teen, Miss Fort Fairfield for 2017, Audrey Milliard, who sang “Try Everything” from the movie “Zootopia”; Little Miss Mapleton, Emily Hallett, who sang the song “Carrie Sue” with added actions; and closing the show was Teen Miss Mapleton Elizabeth Collins, who danced to “Fix You”. (Contributed photo)
Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at