Kiwanis Club ready to go during the Thursdays on Sweden

8 years ago

The Kiwanis Club of Caribou gets ready to grill hot dogs at their booth during a recent Thursdays on Sweden, with some help from visiting Presque Isle Kiwanians.

From left are Frank Harris, Kathy Schieber and Mary Beth Francis from the Caribou club; from the Presque Isle Kiwanis, President-Elect George Watson, Past District Governor Timothy McMahon and Lt. Governor Sue Watson; Caribou Kiwanis President Bill Francis; and Caribou members Gary Sanfacon and Ginette Rivard. The club has been involved with the every-other-Thursday street fair since its inception, and also does four other fundraisers throughout the year: Keystone Kops, Mother’s Day basket, strawberry shortcake sales and a yard sale.