102 Years Ago – Sept. 30, 1915
Libby elected chairman — The Boy Betterment Movement had an enthusiastic meeting and outlined plans for the work. E. M. Libby had been elected chairman of the Committee in place of W. D. Hall, who had removed to Castine.
W.C.T.U. meeting — An interesting meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held and the program being devoted to the life and works of Frances E. Willard. Mrs. E. A. Rogers gave a sketch of the great temperance worker and readings were given by Mrs. J. C. Gregory and Mrs. Lester W. Chase. A vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. J. N. Horsman.
75 Years Ago – Sept. 24, 1942
Aroostook Dental Society — The members of the Aroostook County Dental Society were guests of Captain Raymond Roof at the Presque Isle air base hospital. Captain Roof performed two surgical operations for the attending dentists. A banquet dinner was served in the officer’s mess hall. At the business meeting, Dr. Claude C. Cyr of Van Buren was elected president, Dr. Ora Gilpatrick of Mars Hill, vice president, and Dr. H. B. Keirstead of Presque Isle secretary and treasurer.
Poirier Law Office — Leo J. Poirier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo N. Poirier of Van Buren, opened a law office in the Brigham Block in Ashland. He graduated from Van Buren High School, Ricker Junior College, and Suffolk Law School. He was admitted to the Maine Bar last August.
50 Years Ago – Sept. 27, 1967
Untied Fund Chairman — Dana M. Swett, safety director for the Maine Public Service, Company, had accepted the chairmanship of the Chapter Plan Phase of the upcoming United Fund Campaign. Eurton A. Tompkins, Sr., stated how fortunate the community was to have a person of Mr. Swett’s caliber, accept the challenge of this all important phase of the campaign.
Hotel Board — George H. Barnes, president of the Northeastland Hotel, announced the election of Burtt F. Brown and Frederick B. Lunt to the hotel’s Board. The action was taken in a regular meeting at the the hotel. The two replace the unexpired terms of D. Fred Cliff, who retired after 30 years of the Board, and Wilfred G. Trafton, who resigned to devote more time to his business.
25 Years Ago – Sept. 23, 1992
XC teams at St. Joe’s — The University of Maine at Presque Isle men’s and women’s cross-country team swept the Saint Joseph’s College Invitational meets in Standish. Participants included Owls, host St. Joe’s, Maine Maritime Academy, Unity College and Eastern Nazarine College. The Lady Owls packed six harriers into the third through eighth spots with a pack time of just 1:29.. The finishers were Tina Michaud (third), Tyna Perreault (fourth), Shirley Reyes (fifth), Min Thomas (sixth), Kim Morgans (seventh), and Wendi Webber (eighth). On the men’s side, junior Stacy Knight ran a strong and strategic race against St. Joe’s No. 1 runner Axel Schekolin. Other Owls finishers were Steve Friel (third), Melvin Taylor (fourth), Tony Murphy (sixth), Steve Duboi (17th) and Peter Johnson (19th).