HOULTON, Maine — On Sunday, Sept. 24, the Houlton Lodge of Elks hosted its annual soccer shoot under the direction of Tim Tweedie at the Houlton Middle-High School soccer fields.
- Isiah Ervin of Houlton sends a soccer ball toward the net during the Houlton Lodge of Elks annual soccer shoot Sunday, Sept. 24. Ervin was one of several youngsters to advance to the second round of competition. (Joseph Cyr)
About 30 youngsters took part in this year’s event, which was one of the many youth centered activities sponsored by the Elks. Girls and boys from ages 6 to 13 were invited to take part in age appropriate basic shooting skills competitions with the hopes of advancing to district, state and regional competitions.
- Addison Lynds attempts to kick a soccer ball through a miniature goal during Sunday’s Houlton Elks Soccer Shoot. (Joseph Cyr)
Following the competition participants and families were treated to a complimentary lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs, and popsicles prepared by lodge members. A special appearance was also made by “Elroy the Elk” arriving in the drug awareness trailer promoting the Elks’ chemical free message.
- Jeanna Cochran follows the path of the soccer ball during the Sunday, Sept. 24, Houlton Elks Soccer Shoot. (Joseph Cyr)
Winners advance to the next round, which will takes place at the Mount Hope Avenue soccer fields in Bangor on Sunday, Oct. 8, beginning at 1 p.m.