Standing up for vaccination freedom

4 years ago

To the editor:

Yes on Question 1 seeks to restore the law in Maine to allow philosophical or religious exemptions pertaining to vaccines that were banned by LD 798 in the last legislative session. There exists legitimate concerns that parents and health care workers have regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Many parents who may have objections to vaccines are just wishing to have a delayed schedule and spread them out over a longer period of time. 


Most people are not aware that vaccine companies were given legal immunity in 1986 by Congress (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) and vaccine injury lawsuits must go through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.  To date, 4.2 billion taxpayer dollars have been awarded for vaccine injury — something you’ll never hear about in the news. 

Since that time, the CDC’s recommended schedule has gone from 12 vaccinations, to a whopping 54 by the time the child is 18. It is no wonder that vaccine companies have grown into a $60 billion industry. But are we any healthier?  

Our next generation is riddled with autism, allergies, auto-immune disorders, etc. I’m not purporting vaccines are the sole reason to blame, but in my opinion it is fast becoming the elephant in the room. If you are pro-vaccine, you are politically correct; but breathe one word of criticism, and you are labeled an anti-vaxxer with memes on social media about sending you to China or suggesting they deny you access to health care. 

We should be free to make our own choice regarding our health — whether to receive or decline vaccines — both options should be available and respected. Be your own advocate and research it yourself:  read the vaccine ingredient list, weigh the pros and cons, make an informed decision. The bottom line is this: the government should not be dictating what is injected into your body. 

Question 1 is about freedom of choice that our state legislature took away and our governor signed into law. Restore freedom and vote yes on 1.

Heidi Levesque

Mars Hill