Christians aren’t the enemy

4 years ago

To the editor: 

I am writing in response to an editorial letter by Mr. James Chasse posted on your web page ( on Feb. 3. Mr. Chasse makes several claims in his letter that are frankly unsubstantiated and, more frightening, an attempt to paint Christians in America as an enemy to the nation. 


I, too, took an oath to defend our country and our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Rather than dwell on the inaccuracies listed by Mr. Chasse, I wish to provide some insight and educational aids for those who read the letter and are likely confused as to who the enemy is. Let’s start with Sun Tzu, “The Art of War,” who posits, “Know thy Enemy.” For more modern sources, I recommend two books, both by Leon Skousen, “The Naked Communist” and “The 5000 Year Leap.”

Secondly, I bring to readers’ attention that communist governments are godless in their ideology, so for such enemies of capitalism to be in “league” with Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters is completely out of the question and factually inaccurate. 

Third, a broad statement that Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters hate the U.S. Constitution is dangerous as it resembles the propaganda narrative of the mainstream media, who is likely the real culprit in their desire to trash our Constitution. Research Operation Mockingbird for facts to how the media destroys minds through fake news. 

Fourth, Christians are not haters, as Mr. Chasse would have us believe. Christians are made up of many ethnic races and nationalities. Claiming all Christians are white and hate-filled is dangerous and not fact-based. I remind your readers that both the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence made it very clear that civil rights for our new nation are based on God given (natural law) and unalienable rights. The Founding Fathers made clear in their writings that our Constitution is predicated on our Judeo/Christian roots. In fact, Christians believe our Constitutional Republic (not a democracy) is worth defending and shedding blood for, as our Savior died shedding His. 

The Pilgrims left us the roadmap, we just forgot it. The statue in Plymouth, Massachusetts, lays out the formula for a successful nation: faith, morality, justice, education and freedom. I recommend learning about the monument or visiting it. It will be enlightening, I assure you. Bring your children. 

Mr. Chasse is right about one thing: someone is out to destroy our Constitution. We all just need to determine who that real enemy is. The sources in this letter are a good start for your awakening to truth. The Bible is helpful too. 

Kevin Bushey
