Houlton area From our Files – Week of May 4, 2022

2 years ago

115 Years Ago – May 8, 1907

New grocery store in town — Daniel Webster, one of Houlton’s respected residents, has opened a grocery store in the building formerly occupied by I.H. Davis as a mill office, on the corner of North and Riverside streets.

New position –  Mr. Jos. Wingate has accepted  a position with the Houlton Water Company, which was made vacant by the resignation of Edgar E . Hamm.

75 Years Ago – May 1, 1947

Receives promotion –  Keith Antworth, who is stationed at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, with the U.S. Marine Corps, has recently been promoted to Private First Class. Pfc. Antworth is expected next weekend to spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Antworth.

Grange honors 50-year members — Three members of the Houlton Grange who have belonged to that organization for half a century were awarded Golden Sheaf certificates by Pomona Master Donald Lunn at the Grange Hall. Mrs. Bert Ingraham, Mrs. Winfield Lowery and Henry C. Adams were the three members upon whom this honor was bestowed. At the same meeting Silver Star certificates were presented by Master Lunn to 25 members for 25 years’ continuous membership in the Grange. There are 109 members of the Grange who are entitled to receive these Silver Star certificates.

50 Years Ago – May 3, 1972

Home from Vietnam –  Sp-4 Alan Ploud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Magloire Plourd has returned home after a tour of duty in VietNam. 

Miss Oldenburg accepted — Miss Susan Jill Oldenburg has been notified of her acceptance in the Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing program. From 1300 applicants, there are only 150 allocations given throughout the United States. According to Sgt. Willard Shaffer, U.S. Army recruiter for the Houlton area, the competition is extremely selective. Applicants are chosen by academic standing, personally written autobiography and ambitions, as well as a personal interview with representatives from the Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing. Final acceptance is made by the Surgeon General’s office.

25 Years Ago – May 14, 1997

Master sergeant retires — Master Sergeant Michael C. Cummings retired from the United States Air Force effective March 1, 1997. Msgt.Cummings is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Cummings Sr. of Houlton, and is a 1976 graduate of Houlton High School. Airman Basic Cummings started his Air Force career in February 1977 at Lackland Air Force base in Texas. His final active duty assignment was at NATO staff headquarters, Allied Forces central Europe in Brunssum, starting in April 1993.

Man sells NASCAR items to fund racing — An increased demand for NASCAR racing merchandise has helped one Aroostook County entrepreneur finance his own stock car racing career. Last September, Ralph Kinney opened R.T. and T. Racing; a NASCAR collectibles shop located beside his home on U.S. Route 1 in Bridgewater.