Best of luck to our senator

1 year ago

To the editor:

We may be very fortunate to have a smart up-and-coming young politician in our city of Presque Isle trying to get a better handle on our utility charges.  I hope it can be figured out that most of it comes from greed that probably cannot be controlled, as it is at the present time. 

I did notice that his and my state governor got some of the blame, also his and my president of the U.S. also got some of the blame for what is happening to our electricity. I did not realize our governor or our president owned so much stock in Versant Power.

At the age of 17 in June 1956 I attended Dirigo Boys State at the University of Maine-Orono.  At the time our governor was Ed Muskie.  He spoke to our graduating class.  One of the things I learned from this governor is don’t always suggest or complain about politicians who don’t always agree with one’s thoughts or ideas, but to just bring out good ideas that are your own or your party’s.  Great programs sure help our area grow, without [placing] blame on the shortcomings of those we oppose.

So please don’t blame me for saying why I care.

In ending I wish Trey the best knowledge and understanding of what is really needed for our district.  Let’s pray that God blesses our area this winter with plenty of food, heat, clothing and love of each other to make it happen. It can be done.

Loomis Craig
Presque Isle