Our many blessings

Gloria J. Towle, Special to The County
2 weeks ago

As a new year begins, we find ourselves reflecting on the many moments that have shaped our year. 

Taking on the challenge of building a brand-new shelter was beyond most of our dreams. But in early November, the dream became a reality when the doors to the new Central Aroostook Humane Society opened. 

Being an all-volunteer Board of Directors with busy lives, the decision and tasks were daunting, with more than 20 months of planning, fundraising and grant writing. But what actually made all the difference was the generosity of our communities, businesses and the many individuals who stepped up to donate. We could not have accomplished this without this help.

We have an amazing shelter manager, Betsy Hallett, and her employees Lori Holton, Coral Rose and Kiefer Holton, and we can’t forget past employee and faithful volunteer Sharon Brown. 

There are many other volunteers who are constant and dependable workers who show up to walk the dogs, socialize the kitties, clean cages, fold laundry and numerous other tasks. We are truly grateful for their love and support for the animals.

Many times throughout the year, we have super generous kids who decide that they would rather have shelter donations brought to their birthday party instead of gifts for themselves.  This is an amazing example of giving back instead of receiving.  The children happily arrive loaded with gifts for all the animals, varieties of pet food, kitty litter, treats, paper towels and cleaning supplies. 

Other young people set up lemonade stands, have church raffles or collect bottles to help raise money for the animals. These are the stories that fill our hearts.

We look back on the past year and realize that without the support of the 31 towns we contract with, the businesses and individuals that support our fundraisers, the many volunteers that show up at our doors to spend time helping the animals, the board of directors and amazing employees, we just couldn’t continue to exist.

So a huge “Thank you” to all, and we wish the very best for a happy and healthy new year.

Gloria J. Towle is the secretary for the Central Aroostook Humane Society board of directors.