Ashland Police Department receives Department of Homeland Security Grant

3 weeks ago

ASHLAND, Maine — The Ashland Police Department is most pleased to announce the agency’s selection for a Department of Homeland Security Grant. The grant award of $8,049 is earmarked to assist the Ashland Police with modernization and improvement of their communications infrastructure, thereby eliminating “dead zones” throughout their jurisdiction in which officers cannot reach radio dispatch. The enhanced communications equipment will improve officer safety, ensuring clear radio contact throughout their area of responsibility. The grant also provides for additional officer safety by covering the purchase of reflective traffic safety vests for use while out of the vehicle performing duties on the public way, in accordance with OSHA and Maine Department of Labor regulations.

Ashland Police Chief Christopher Cyr, is pleased to report steady progress in re-staffing his department this last quarter in light of the continued increase in calls for service. Cyr states, “Considering the limited number of law enforcement officers around the county, staffing our department back to its full complement has been a challenge that we have successfully met,  providing around the clock coverage for Ashland.”

Cyr further states, “The transition period rebuilding this small agency has been a busy time for my staff. Our enhanced accessibility to the community is being utilized by the citizenry, and we appreciate the positive comments and concerns being expressed to us.” 

Ashland’s Interim Town Manager Kevin Bushey is happy with how the chief’s team has come together, “With the current shortage of deputy sheriffs and state troopers, we have been fortunate to find quality candidates who have accepted a position with us. The department has been dealing with a various number of investigations and are making a difference in the lives and safety of our residents, and even pets.”  

Several other towns in the county have had to discontinue their police departments, mostly due to their inability to attract qualified applicants. In prioritizing the public safety of their citizens, Ashland’s Town Council continues to demonstrate unwavering leadership in their commitment to support Cyr’s strategies in community policing and quality of place initiatives that enhance the health and safety of Ashland residents.