UMA full-time president’s, dean’s lists

6 days ago

AUGUSTA – University of Maine at Augusta Provost Joseph Szakas announces the fall 2024 full-time president’s list and full-time dean’s list for respective grade point averages of 3.8 or higher and 3.25 to 3.79.

Local president’s list honorees are Hannah Blanchette, Madawaska; Riley DeTour, Sherman; Brenn Edwards, Fort Kent; Allie Fullen, Presque Isle; Jadon Gentle, Houlton; Hannah Landeen, New Sweden; Nicholas Lavoie, Frenchville; Tazz Pelletier, Saint Agatha; Dylan Polchies, Houlton; DJ Schuurman, Houlton; Kelsey Sewell, Houlton; Noelle Smith, Van Buren; and A J Theriault, Fort Kent.

Dean’s list honorees are Ellie Jasper, Presque Isle;  Tiffany Smith, Linneus; and  Ellie Smith, Mapleton.