Community center moving forward

12 years ago

Community center moving forward


by Chris Beaulieu

    The effort to create a new community center for Presque Isle and the surrounding areas is steadily moving forward. Volunteers have been working diligently with city staff to align the many pieces necessary to begin a strong capital fundraising campaign.

    Successful fundraising campaigns require an array of committees and a large number of dedicated volunteers to serve those committees. The first committee created was the Fundraising Campaign Committee. This group is made up of the following individuals: Steve & Lucy Richard: Co-chairs, AJ Cloukey, Michael Chasse, Kevin Sipe, Scott Norton, Lisa Norton, Pat Sutherland, Carole Kozloski, Hal Stewart, Ed Therrian, Shawn Cunningham, Dawn Poitras and Mike Graves. This committee’s task, along with help from city staff, is to spearhead the capital campaign to raise $3.5 million.
    Earlier this spring, professional fundraising firm Gary Friedmann & Associates was brought on board to provide expert leadership and guidance in the fundraising effort. With their assistance, the volunteers and staff have been developing a strategy for a successful campaign.
    As we speak, two important sub-committees are being established; the Marketing/Public Relations Committee and the Events Committee. These two groups will work closely together to get the word out about the project and provide special event opportunities and awareness to the community. A large community kick-off event this summer will be their first priority.
    As this campaign moves forward, many more volunteers will be needed. Over the next several months, the Fundraising Committee will continue to reach out to community members for their help in achieving this goal. Although there is still a long way to go, we have never been closer to having this wonderful community center in our area.
    For questions, to share your thoughts and/or to help become a part of this project, please contact me at 764-2545 or email at
    Chris Beaulieu is director of Presque Isle Recreation & Parks.