SAD 70 directors to meet Monday, June 8

5 years ago

HODGDON, Maine — The SAD 70 Board of Directors will meet at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 8, in the Mill Pond School gym.


a. Agenda Adjustments:

b. Public Comment Time

c. Information Items:

1. Financials

2. Resignations – Stephanie Ford (Technology Integrator), Deborah Young (High School Spec Ed Teacher), and Noel Bell (Elementary Social Worker)

3. Summer Food Program Proposal

4. Construction Update (High School Parking Lot)

5. COVID 19 and remote learning Report

6. 2020-21 School year planning

7. District Budget Meeting

8. Budget Validation Date June 29, 2020 and referendum vote July 14, 2020

9. Class of 2020 Graduation

d. Consider minutes of May 11, 2020

e. Action Items:

1. Approve High School Math Teacher Candidate – Rebecca Griffin

2. Approve changing July School Board meeting to July 20, 2020

f. Administrator Reports:

g. Executive Session:

1 M.R.S.A § 405(6)(D) – Negotiation Update

h. Consider Adjournment: