Wells joins MSSM as foundation leader

7 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — The Maine School of Science and Mathematics recently hired Kristen Wells as the MSSM foundation administrator.

Wells is a strategic planner and fundraising professional who believes in the role of nonprofits to make great things happen. Her past professional roles have included director of development at Catholic Charities and executive director of Aroostook Aspirations Initiative.

Doug Baston, chair of the MSSM Foundation Board of Directors, said, “I’m delighted that Kristen has agreed to join us as administrator. She is incredibly talented and energized, and we very much look forward to working with her.”

Kristen Wells (Courtesy of Maine School of Science and Mathematics)

The MSSM Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization that raises funds to help advance the school’s mission. Since its creation in 1994, the Foundation and its Board of Directors have raised over $1.5 million for student scholarships, technology investments, student activities and professional development for faculty and staff.

Wells received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Maine and graduate certification at Boston University. She lived and worked in southern Maine before returning to Hodgdon with her husband and four young daughters to live on the farm where she grew up.

“Wells brings a vision of opportunity, a commitment to support the potential of youth, and passion for developing strong relationships and productive community engagement,” said Baston.

“It is an honor to support the Maine School of Science and Mathematics Foundation in this role,” Wells wrote in a statement. “This school with its students, families, faculty and alumni is an incredible gift to Maine. I look forward to facilitating the growth of MSSM’s Foundation to ensure stewardship of this gift and support the success of these bright, talented students.”