Staff Writer
Maine Veteran’s Home Activity Director, Rita Worley, chauffeured resident Ralph Bearce, in her four-wheeler during the home’s July 4th parade.
Contributed photo
Maine Veterans’ Home resident Ralph Bearce of Caribou, enjoyed being chauffeured by Rita Worley, activities director, on her four-wheeler during July 4th Parade held at the facility. Residents were invited to join in the Limestone parade, but wouldn’t be able to sit and wait for hours prior to the event, so they held their own parade.
They were invited to participate in the Limestone July 4 Parade but due to the fact residents would be in line two or three hours prior to the parade, the staff decided they would create their own.
Wheelchairs were decorated and everyone wore hats for the event and carried flags.
Worley brought her four-wheeler to give rides for those residents who wanted to cruise the veterans’ home outside area and Karen Page, along with Jim Saucier rode the snow removal tractor.
During the make-shift parade, residents from the residential care and the nursing units were outside watching the activities, enjoying the sunshine, some marching along as well.
Shirley Dubay, activity coordinator on the residential care unit stated it was unbelievable to see everyone helping out. The team work was above and beyond the call of duty.
The activity director and coordinator offers thanks to staff members from the housekeeping, PSS, and nursing departments along with volunteers Beverly Raymond, Gloria Rafford and everyone else who helped to make this event successful.