Island Falls Seniors
The Island Falls Senior Citizens met on Feb. 5, for a potluck luncheon at the municipal building.
After the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute, the meeting was called to order by the president, Terry Dwyer. Secretary’s report was read and accepted. Treasurer’s report was not given because of absence.
A valentine card was signed for Mildred Kennard.
Discussion on the new television translation coming this month.
The “game” was played and enjoyed by all.
Report of the nomination committee, as follows: president – Terry Dwyer; vice president – Verna MacArthur; secretary – Edith Dwyer; and treasurer – Marjorie Nicholson.
Next meeting on Feb. 19. Rich and Sandy will entertain.
Those attending were: Mary Pipes, Gini Garrett (RSVP Coord.), Helen Sherman, Ursula Levesque, Ellie Peck, Gladys Corneil, Mary Lawler, Verna MacArthur, Donna Baker, Jean Clements, Terry Dwyer, Edith Dwyer and Edward Dwyer.
Tops ME#233
By Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 233, of Houlton met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its Friday, Feb. 13 meeting.
We had 13 ladies and 3 KOPS members for our meeting. Joyce Estey was the official leader and Elinor Harvey was the greeter.
Runner-up in our loss department was Juanita Warman. The chapter had a good loss for the week.
Brenda Lacostic gave the weight recorder’s report in place of Joanne Scott who has left for an extended visit to Florida. Lois Downing gave the minutes of the last meeting.
A walking record sheet was distributed and the walkers recorded their mileage for the week, which was 388 miles. We had 10 minutes of exercises, led by Barbara Troy.
The meeting room was decorated with valentine hearts and most of the ladies wore red in keeping with valentines. We exchanged cards.
The skinny dish was held over. The 50/50 money was won by Kay Grass and Gerry McAfee won the mystery gift. Gerry McAfee and Melva Folsom also won special gifts.
We had a special time with Barbara Troy demonstrating how to fold a napkin—the end result was very pretty.
Kay Grass had a reading named “Where the Four Leaf Clovers Grow.” Charlotte Marley told how she and her husband Don exchange the same valentine each year and this is the 14th year, having started in 1997.
We all drew numbers for our valentine cup. The cups were all different, some were red/white, one was a Christmas cup, another was a fancy cup with a saucer and some were valentine cups, but all were pretty.
Denise Kinney gave a record of the bead contest, saying that it is going very well. We all drew new partners again.
The next meeting is Feb. 20 at the same location. We start at 9 a.m. for our meeting after the weigh-in from 8-8:45 a.m.
If you need to contact anyone, you may call Betty Ivey at 532-9653 or Charlotte Marley at 757-8483.Everyone is welcome.
Ricker Rumblings
By Lois Downing
Hello everyone. Writing this on a different day, at least trying it out.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Hope your day was a good one. I visited Althea Lloyd at the local hospital. She was expecting her daughter Filena from Portland last Friday. She was anxious to see her. Althea looks good and is getting along well.
One of our neighbors lost a set of keys. I hope she finds them. Keys are so important.
Did you celebrate the Red Dress Day for the cancer fight? If you see a lady wearing a red pin, you will recognize it as a pin of the red heart.
There are lots of scams out in the public. Be aware and don’t fall for any of them.
I saw Irene, former director of the Meals on Wheels at Ricker, the other day. Irene has signed up at the local swimming pool for exercises. Good for you, Irene.
The Bingo ladies are still playing Bingo on Wednesdays. The other tenants can come join them.
Lester Burns is volunteering at the local hospital. Lester is there most of the week, either at the front desk or on the third floor. He likes it and I’m sure the people at the hospital like him too.
Janice McCarthy is planning a visit to Bangor. She is waiting for the weather to clear.
Snow is coming down hard at this writing. Rain this morning and at least we are having a variety.
Congratulations on the Houlton High School cheerleaders on their placing in the statewide contest.
We have been advised that January 2009 was the second coldest month on record. I believe it.
Good luck to all the players in the basketball leagues who will soon be playing in Bangor. We’ll be rooting for you.
Norma Bates has been planning a trip to Texas in March—with six of her relatives, even a granddaughter. She can hardly wait. They are going to visit her son Kenny and his wife, Maureen.
A reading for the day: “The Lord remembers us and will bless us…He will bless those who fear the Lord—small and great alike.” (Psalm 115:12-12)
Have a good week.
Purple Hats Society
The Purple Hat Society met at the Elm Tree Diner in Houlton, on Tuesday, Feb. 10 for brunch. There were eighteen ladies present with Brenda Lacostic from Cary attending for the first time.
Charlotte Marley, leader, conducted the meeting. Lois Downing led the ladies in offering the grace before the meal. Then the ladies gave their name and their purple hat name, too.
One of the ladies gave everyone a Valentine. Charlotte Marley also gave out a special Valentine story and candy.
It was voted to remember the late Bunny Stewart with a donation to the local animal shelter. Bunny was a loyal member.
Cindy Gray read some comical readings and Charlotte Marley shared hospital chart bloopers. They produced lots of laughs.
The March 10th meeting will be held in Oakfield at ‘A Place to Eat’.
Joanne Scott has left for Florida and will be away for two or three months. Tessie Barrett, who recently celebrated her 80th birthday, told about three parties given to her. Velma Cale also celebrated a February birthday.
Margaret Dudley won the “purple shoe.”
Attending were: Sandy Wyman, Wannetta Townsend and Marie Gillotti from Dyer Brook; and Arlene Friel from Merrill; Lois Downing, Margaret Dudley, Gerry McAfee, Paula and Patty Wyman from Houlton; Elaine Barrett, Evelyn Burpee, Alma Clark, Bernice Campbell, Ursula Levesque and Delores Locke from Oakfield and Cindy Gray and Charlotte Marley from Smyrna.
As mentioned previously, the March meeting will be in Oakfield, noontime, at a Place to Eat. Hope to see you there.
Happy Losers
By Shirley Sides
The Happy Losers meeting was held Feb.11 at the Congregational Church vestry in Island Falls.
Our leader opened the meeting with our pledge and roll call. We had 10 ladies weigh-in and attend our class. Our leader Jackie Pratt led the program. Her topic was an article on old diets and new ways.
The person who lost the most weight for the week was Jeanne Watson and runner-up was Glady Corneil. Our weight loss for the week was great.
Our secretary and treasurer gave reports. Hello Riva, all is well.
Please feel welcome to our group every Wed. at 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. The weigh-in and meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. Hope to see you there, as we all need to get into our summer wardrobe. Call 365-4884 for more information.
Oakfield Seniors Citizens
By Wanetta Townsend
On Wednesday, Jan. 21, Marie Gillotti and Wannetta Townsend attended the Senior Citizens at the Smoki-Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
There was a good turn out for the benefit supper for Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Tarr at the Smoki-Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.
Toni Marie and Danny Gillotti of Hodgdon spent some time recently with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gillotti.
On Tuesday Jan. 27, there was a good turn out for a benefit supper for Joan Williams at the Oakfield Community Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wyman enjoyed having all of their family home for the weekend just recently.
On Wednesday, Feb. 4, Marie Gillotti and Wannetta Townsend attended Senior Citizens at the Smoki-Hauler Snow Club in Oakfield.