To the editor:
Rev. R. Carlton Huntley of Sherman has left his mark on this world and touched countless lives along with his wife Arlene as they served together in the Christian ministry from 1949 to 2008, when he retired as pastor of Monarda Calvary Baptist Church in Silver Ridge, Maine where he served for 44 years. His passing on Aug. 26, 2009 has left a void, not only in his family, but in the community and surrounding areas, and even beyond.
Rev. Huntley’s ministry and witness were responsible for many young people dedicating their lives to Jesus Christ and going on to serve the Lord in various ministries and capacities, from missionaries to pastors, to Sunday School teachers, Christian businessmen and women, and moms and dads raising their children according to God’s word that they learned as children in Carlton’s and Arlene’s Sunday Schools and Daily Vacation Bible Schools. He performed hundreds of marriages and conducted many funeral services, always ready to counsel and come to the aid of anyone asking for help.
Carlton began his ministry in Stacyville in the old school house, taking correspondence courses through Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and also New Brunswick Bible Institute in Canada. He was ordained into the Christian Ministry on May 22, 1959 and became the pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Stacyville. He also served as pastor in Kingman, Silver Ridge, Sherman Station and in the Ashland and New Limerick areas. Carlton lived his life by his special scripture, “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain.” Psalm 127:1
Along with his ministry, he also was a pulpwood contractor, school bus driver, potato farmer, milk tester, and postmaster. But his greatest passion was serving the Lord, particularly in children’s work. His legacy will live on forever.
Glenice Huntley