Homemakers Extension begins its season

16 years ago

    The Spragueville Homemakers Extension began its new season Sept. 22 at the home of LaVone Walters, with 10 members present.
    President Lois Griffin called the meeting to order, followed by the Homemakers’ Creed and Roll Call.
    Secretary/treasurer LaVone gave her respective reports, followed by the recording of volunteer hours.     Under Old Business: Lois reported on the activities at the Balloon Site during the Crown of Maine Balloon Festival. It was a beautiful afternoon, and members enjoyed meeting the visitors, while serving cookies, lemonade and ice tea.
    A note from Tammy Wheeler was read, informing the group that the new bronze donor plaque will be finished soon.
    Under New Business: Scott Thompson, at the Aroostook State Park, has volunteered to provide markers at the Balloon Site for the winter months to alert snowmobilers using the area of the new white fence, which will undoubtedly blend in with the forthcoming snow. Lois will contact him regarding the go-ahead for this project, with the group’s appreciation.
    Lois read correspondence from County Extension President Carolyn Kelley regarding the State Fall Meeting, to be held at Verrillo’s in Portland Oct. 17-18. Reservation sheets were available at this time for those interested in attending. Carolyn also included information for the County Fall Meeting, to be held Saturday, Nov. 1, at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center; registration will begin at 9:30 a.m., with the meeting commencing at 10 a.m. A luncheon of soup and sandwiches will be served, followed by entertainment.
    Lois reported that Jolene Joles has thankfully returned to the U.S. from her tour of duty in Iraq; therefore, no further care packages will be sent to her. It was suggested the group “adopt” Sebastian Engels for future care packages.
    Lois brought up the matter of serving another Hunters’ Breakfast in October, as the last year. Due to there being several members absent at this meeting, thus preventing them from having input on this matter, those present decided not to pursue serving a breakfast this year.
    Tammy was not present at this meeting; however, she had forwarded information to Lois regarding activities planned for P.I.’s Sesquicentennial Celebration in 2009. Many events are being planned, and the Extension hopes to incorporate as many of these events as possible into its meetings and activities. Ann Knight suggested the group assist during activities planned at the James School Aug. 8. More information and discussions will be included in future meetings.
    This meeting originally had been scheduled for the annual Planning Meeting for 2009; however, due to several members being absent, it was decided to postpone this until the October meeting, which will be preceded by a potluck supper at the Cooperative Extension Building on the Houlton Road.
    Lois adjourned the meeting, which was followed by refreshments, furnished by LaVone, Marie Page and Lois.